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The Young and the Restless Spoilers Weekly Update for March 12-16

The Young and the Restless spoilersThe Young and the Restless spoilers

The Young and the Restless spoilers (YR) for March 12-16 are here. Things got pretty hot this week, and more than a few people got burned!

Devon receiving a stunning proposition when Hilary asked him to be the father of her baby.

It led to an uncomfortable exchange… and things were equally uncomfortable for Abby, who returned from Italy just in time to learn about Victoria’s plot against Ashley.

At least life got a little bit better for Nick, who started recovering from his heartbreak by moving in with Sharon… but that situation may end up being a little bit more complicated than either of them realized. Here are the spoilers!

The tension between Victoria and Abby won’t decline in the slightest, especially not after the two of them have a caustic confrontation.

Another rivalry will also take a venomous turn, as Lily starts plotting something sinister against Hilary.

Catastrophe seems to be lurking around every corner, but before a certain situation can go completely off the rails, Victor steps in and saves the day.

For the entire spoilers breakdown and cash basket winner, continue reading on the next page…

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