Is another missing person mystery coming to The Young and the Restless? The walls are closing in the four ladies and they have one very big lose end to tie up in the form of a raven-haired songstress.
The Truth Is Out!
Spoilers reveal Tessa’s (Cait Fairbanks) secret is coming out next weeks and it’s going to rock the women’s world. Not only is Tessa the blackmailer, but she has several copies of their murder tape hidden all over town (or maybe even all over the state). She’s a force to be reckoned with and they need to deal with her fast!
Nikki (Melody Thomas Scott) wants to send Mariah (Camryn Grimes) back in the trenches and butter Tessa up to get the goods. It’s a solid plan, but it’ll take time, savvy, and it puts Mariah back in harms way.
It’s just not enough. Phyllis and Victoria know full well it’ll take more than that to bring Tessa down. They need her out of her life once and for all, permanently! Vicky has a plan, but it still won’t be enough for Red.
Phyllis Goes Dark!
Phyllis won’t put up with a grifter threatening her freedom. The new Jabot CEO’s life is finally coming together and she’ll do anything — and we mean ANYTHING — to keep it that way. But, will she go down a dark and deadly road?
Could Phyllis take matters into her own hands and violently attacking Tessa? Attempted murder isn’t outside of her realm as she’s been down this road more than once before. There are plenty of victims who can attest to Phyllis’ violent nature.
Back in her heyday, Phyllis was the prime suspect in the murder of Sasha Green, tried to run over Paul and Christine, and even tried to off Kelly Andrews. Is Tessa about to suffer the same fate?
Once Phyllis gets going, Tessa may not come out of this alive. Phyllis could get rid of one set of problems, but open a whole other can of dirty worms. She’d have to cover up another murder and make it look like Tessa simply ran away.
It shouldn’t be too hard to explain Tessa’s disappearance. She was part of a sex ring, involved with human traffickers, and was attacked only weeks ago. It’s an easy out IF Phyllis plays every single card the exact right way.
The Young and the Restless (YR) airs weekdays on CBS. Check your local listings for airtimes.

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