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Will Daniel’s Broken Heart Ever Mend After January 31 Young and the Restless 

Will Daniel ever let himself love again?

Young and the Restless Recap: Daniel with the Soap Hub logoWill Daniel ever let himself love again?

Sharon was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief on Young and the Restless when Michael told her she was in the clear during the January 31 episode. While this was great news for her, it wasn’t so fun for Daniel. Not only is he still waiting on justice for Heather’s murder, but now the woman who dumped her body in the river is getting off scot-free. Understandably, Daniel is a mess. 

No Justice In Sight

Daniel (Michael Graziadei) confronting Sharon (Sharon Case) after overhearing she’s off the hook was definitely a sight to see. His anger, his pain, and his passion were on full display, and he wasn’t holding back. While he gave Sharon the credit that she was drugged and definitely not in her right mind, it did little to ease the hole in his heart. Sharon didn’t kill Heather, but she was the one who hid the body and set him up for murder. 

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Adding to his pain is that there doesn’t seem to be any justice in sight for the love of his life. Will Heather’s death really go unavenged? Sure, they could charge Ian Ward (Ray Wise) when he’s done fighting for his life after that gun shot, but that could be a while yet. Daniel and Lucy (Lily Brooks O’Briant) deserve to see her killer put behind bars for life!

MORE: Find out what happened on Y&R today.

Can Daniel Ever Move On? 

We have to wonder if Daniel will ever open his heart again after this devastating loss. Heather isn’t the ONLY woman he’s ever loved, but he loved her more than he ever thought possible. She was his partner, his confidante, and his soulmate. That’s not a love that’s easily replicated…or replaced. 

If Daniel does allow himself to move on, is there anyone in town he’d trust to help fix the hole in his soul? He could try again with Lily (Christel Khalil). They were great together once upon a time and could definitely be again. Plus, she’s single and looking quite ready to mingle. If anyone can help Daniel rebuild his future, it’s her. Well…as long as these two can get over that bit of bad blood between them. 

He’s also been quite flirty lately with Tessa (Cait Fairbanks). Sure, she’s happily married to Mariah (Camryn Grimes), but a shake-up in that romance could be just the thing to get the fire burning red hot. Tessa could fall into Daniel’s bed a time or two and end up pregnant and forced to choose between her lover or her wife. Oh, the drama that could cause! 

The Next Chapter

Whatever (and whomever) is part of Daniel’s next chapter, we can’t wait to see it. It’s his time to shine as he heals all those shattered pieces and puts his life back on track. After all the chaos he’s lived through his whole life, he deserves some peace, quiet, and a chance at love everlasting. 

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