On the January 16 episode of The Young and the Restless Claire told Victoria and Nikki that she lied to Jordan to protect them from her aunt. The day before, Claire told her aunt she couldn’t bear to be with the Newmans anymore. Claire told Victoria and Nikki that she lied to Jordan. Claire told Jordan that she was lying to the Newmans. Which story is true? Why not both of them?
Looking Out For Number One
Jordan (Colleen Zenk) raised Claire (Hayley Erin) to hate her biological family and to only be loyal to one person—Jordan. But what if Claire took another lesson from her warped upbringing? What if Claire learned that you should always look out for yourself, no matter what?
Why else would Claire, already a new scion of the rich and powerful Newman family, also go after Kyle (Michael Mealor), a scion of the rich and powerful Abbot family? Because she wanted to cover all her bases. Should matters not work out with the Newmans, she’s have the Abbots to fall back on. That’s not the move of a sweet, innocent victim. That’s the move of a smart, savvy manipulator. Which is what Claire was trained to be.
READ MORE: See what else happened today on Y&R.
Death to Smoochy
Claire told Victoria (Amelia Heinle) and Nikki (Melody Thomas Scott) that Jordan must die. She said it was to protect the family. But what if it was to protect herself? Jordan knows things about Claire that Claire doesn’t want her parents and grandparents to know. And the only way to neutralize that threat is to neutralize Jordan.
MORE: Find out what happens next on Y&R.
The Other Side of the Coin
But just in case her plans go wrong and the Newmans cast Claire out, she needs to keep Jordan in her corner. Because if Claire wants to get revenge on the Newmans, there is no one better than Jordan to have on your side. Claire is playing both sides against the middle. Because she intends to be the last one standing—no matter who ultimately goes down.
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