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ICYMI: Fans Name Surprising Favorite Eileen Davidson Role!

Eileen DavidsonEileen Davidson

She is Ashley on The Young and the Restless, and at times the Emmy-nominee Eileen Davidson was also Kristen on Days of Our Lives (and Susan, and Penelope, and Sister Mary Moira, and Thomas). (She was also Kelly on Santa Barbara, but that was pretty ‘meh’ all the way around.)

Because the actress has been known to go back and forth between both shows, at one time even airing against herself for a few days, we wanted to know: Which character do you like more? Here’s what over 6,000 fans had to say:

But When I’m Bad, I’m Better

Bad girl Kristen was the clear winner, with 51% of the vote. Even without factoring in all of Kristen’s lookalikes, you picked the woman who steals babies — whether it’s by hiring homeless Susan to pretend to be Kristen and both marry John and deliver “their” son Elvis, AKA EJ, or by extracting an embryo from Theresa’s womb, and implanting it in herself — over Ashley, who merely stole sperm in order to conceive Abby (Melissa Ordway).

Stay Classy

Ashley may outclass Kristen every step of the way (save that sperm thing), but it still wasn’t enough to boost her beyond second place, with only 34% of your vote.

The problem may be that while Kristen usually drives story, taking (usually evil) action, Ashley has a tendency to primarily react to others’ wicked, wicked ways. She’s either chastising Jack (Peter Bergman), or sparring with Victor (Eric Braeden).

How long has it been since she had a viable love interest? Confessing feelings of love to her daughter’s fiancé or flirting with an arrogant science geek doesn’t count. It’s hard to be in the lead when your role has been supporting for years.

I’ll Take Them Both!

Decisions are tough, aren’t they? Which is why 15% of you opted, like the princess in Into the Woods, not to decide. You voted that you like them both, and are happy in whatever capacity Eileen Davidson pops up on your screen.

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