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Here’s What’s Going On With The Mental Health Crisis On Young and the Restless

We figured out why Genoa City is losing its mind!

Young and the Restless Connor, Ashley, Sharon, and Claire with the Soap Hub logo.What do these four have in common?

Recently, Sharon told Nick on The Young and the Restless that her doctor was adjusting her bipolar medication — followed by a Public Service Announcement all but delivered directly into the camera about how mental illness is no different than any other illness and there is no stigma to getting treatment. It was merely the latest in the mental health crisis hitting Genoa City.

In Treatment

We just wrote about all of Victor’s (Eric Braeden) obviously undiagnosed conditions, but ol’ Vic is going to have to take a number behind all those who’ve been labeled recently. No one would argue that Jordan (Colleen Zenk) is off her rocker.

Claire (Hayley Erin) just finished off a stint in a facility for the criminally insane, thanks to her aunt’s idea of parenting. But she’s all better now! A quarter century of brainwashing can apparently be fixed by a few dinners with newfound mom and dad. Shame it’s not going to be so easy for her fellow Genoa City citizens.

Little Boy Lost

Connor (Judah Mackey) has been away at an allegedly healing facility for troubled kids for months now. However, he doesn’t seem to be getting any better. The facility hadn’t let his parents see him, but supposedly, that’s changing now.

They claimed it was Connor’s choice. But Connor is a supposedly mentally ill kid. How hard can he be to manipulate? We’ve long suspected something fishy is going on at this facility. And nothing has happened lately to make us change our minds.

New Resident

Finally, Ashley has just been sent away to a French facility. (Why? Do they even take her insurance? Why can’t she be treated in the US, closer to her family?) She’s recently suffered a case of split personality, and her very, very incompetent doctor thinks it has something to do with a trauma in her childhood. So they’re going to be getting to the bottom of that. As well as the American doctors are getting to the bottom of Connor’s.

Water Cure

Is there poison in the water in Genoa City? Or are we finally seeing the toxic effects…of dealing with Victor Newman? What do Sharon, Jordan, Claire, Connor, and Ashley have in common? Yeah…they’ve all been the targets of Victor’s…care.

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