Zach Tinker’s known to fans of daytime drama as both The Young and the Restless’s Fenmore and, more recently, Sonny Kiriakis on Days of our Lives programming on Peacock. Soap Hub recently chatted with the friendly actor for this week’s installment of Wellness Wednesday.
Not everyone believes in New Year’s resolutions but when Soap Hub chatted with Zach Tinker about playing Sonny in Days of our Lives: A Very Salem Christmas, we asked the performer if he had anything he planned to focus on in 2022.
“I’d like to work on my mental health,” Tinker candidly shared. “I want to be nicer to myself and not put so much pressure on myself. I want to be with myself more. That might be a deeper answer than you’re expecting.”
The actor theorizes that there very well may be a stigma in society about addressing the issue of mental well-being. “I think we naturally don’t treat it the same way we do physical health,” he muses. “If you break your leg, and your bone is sticking out, you think, ‘Oh, I should probably go to the doctor,'” Zach Tinker dryly notes. “But it’s very easy to ignore depression, sadness, and stuff. I’ve dealt with that and I’m sure most people have. It [may be] easy to put it to the side and trudge through but [showing yourself] kindness and taking time for yourself is super-important.”
Taking charge of one’s mental health may include spending time alone but Tinker says that’s okay. “You can discover things about yourself and who you are,” he suggests. However, the actor cautions against “overanalyzing” oneself.
“When you sit with your thoughts long enough, you can think of things that aren’t true. Isolation is good to an extent but we’re social beings and we need to interact.” To that end, Tinker dropped by his old Y&R stomping grounds not that long ago to wish his Y&R dad Christian Le Blanc congratulations on playing Michael Baldwin for 30 years.
Zach Tinker doesn’t neglect the physical aspects of self-care. The fit actor says he works out on a regular basis. “I do mostly weights,” he says. And how is he on H2O? “I drink a lot of water,” Tinker says. “I’m actually really good with my water intake.”
As always consult your physical or local mental health doctor if you have questions. For more info on mental health, click here.
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