Now, yet another person on The Bold And The Beautiful canvas knows the show’s biggest secret. This could be a game-changer in the half-hour serial’s main storyline so you won’t want to miss an episode!
One of the soap genre’s standbys is the overheard conversation. The show employed this when Xander (Adain Bradley) overheard Zoe (Kiara Barnes) talk about Hope’s baby, Beth, being alive!
Zoe and Xander had a follow-up talk in which he learned the incredulous truth — that Zoe’s dad, Reese Buckingham (Wayne Brady) stole Hope’s baby and sold her to Taylor (Hunter Tylo) and Steffy (Jacqueline MacInnes Wood) to pay off some gambling debts.
Now that Xander knows, he’s in a position to tell Hope, which would potentially not only reunite mother and child, but also keep Hope and Liam (Scott Clifton) from splitting up. The question is: will he do it?
I Need A Hero
Nearly 81% of you feel that yes, Xander will be Hope’s knight in shining armor. He’ll do the right thing and tell Hope that her baby is alive. Then, Hope will reunite with her baby after she goes to Steffy (Jacqueline MacInnes Wood) and explains what happened. We know Xander to be a good guy and now he has the opportunity to play hero.
Not So Fast
The rest of you, almost 19%, believe that no, Xander will not be Hope’s hero. You’ve seen plenty of storylines in which pretty much everyone learns a secret before the most important person (in this case, Hope) discovers the truth. So, the reality is that several more people on the show’s canvas will need to learn the truth before Hope does.
Will it be Xander or someone else who reveals just who baby Phoebe is? And will it happen before Hope and Liam split up? Stay tuned to find out!
The Bold And The Beautiful airs weekdays on CBS. Check local listings for air times.
Video Credit: CBS
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