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Bold and the Beautiful Spoilers November 1: Ridge Supports Steffy’s Rash Decisions

Dad’s got her back at Forrester Creations.

Bold and the Beautiful Spoilers for Friday, November 1, Episode 9394 Feature Steffy and Ridge with the Soap Hub Logo Across the Bottom.Ridge is in complete alignment with Steffy's actions.

On the Friday, November 1 episode of The Bold and the Beautiful, spoilers reveal that Ridge faces more office chaos at Forrester Creations. Following Steffy’s surprising office changes, Ridge has his own decision to make. Will he follow his daughter’s lead or pull the reins on Steffy’s aggressive office moves? Stay tuned to find out.

On the Warpath

Steffy (Jacqueline MacInnes Wood) was already feeling suspicious of Carter (Lawrence Saint-Victor) and Hope (Annika Noelle). She didn’t understand why Carter had become so vocally supportive of her. It also seemed odd to Steffy that lawyer and COO Carter suddenly had such big leadership ideas for the company.

Hubby Finn (Tanner Novlan) told her to keep things in perspective, but that all flew out the window once she saw Hope on top of him in lingerie. That was beyond a faux pas.

Even though Hope’s lingerie was intended for Carter and not Finn, the embarrassing incident sent Steffy on the warpath. She made some big changes at Forrester Creations that sent everyone reeling. It’s hard to argue now that Steffy isn’t making business decisions based on personal beefs.

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The House of Forrester

Steffy didn’t discuss these changes with Ridge (Thorsten Kaye) or Brooke (Katherine Kelly Lang) beforehand. She just swooped in and did what she wanted to do. What will Ridge think of his daughter’s shocking executive actions?

It appears that Ridge wholeheartedly supports Steffy’s decisions. He may have previously gone against her by giving Ivy (Ashleigh Brewer) the go-ahead on her jewelry line. As for the rest of Steffy’s actions, Ridge is completely on board.

That probably will not sit well with Brooke. (Does she have any real power at the company?) The rest of the staffers may also feel shell-shocked and uneasy. If Steffy could make such bold, unforeseen changes, would anyone’s job be really safe?

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