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Bold and the Beautiful Recap March 19: Steffy Gave Hope Her Walking Papers

Hope faced the consequences of her actions…and her last name.

Bold and the Beautiful Recap March 19: Steffy Gave Hope & Steffy with the SoapHub logo.Hope faced the consequences of her actions...and her last name.

The Bold and the Beautiful recap for Wednesday, March 19 saw the Forresters reclaiming their power at the office and choosing who stays and who goes. 

What Happened Today On The Bold and the Beautiful?

The Forresters gathered at the main office to discuss what’s to come now that they’re back in power. Specifically, what’s going to happen to that traitor Carter (Lawrence Saint-Victor). Steffy (Jacqueline MacInnes Wood) wasn’t convinced keeping him on was a good idea. 

MORE: Will Hope and Carter make it through this?

Meanwhile, over in the design room, Carter was pleased to see Hope (Annika Noelle) showed up to work. Hope laid into him again about blowing their chance at power. Carter and Brooke (Katherine Kelly Lang) tried to reason with her and he even pointed out he made a deal to keep Hope’s line, but she wasn’t convinced that would be the case. Steffy would never allow it. 

Steffy Laid Down the Law

Soon after, the meeting began and the Forresters made it clear they were in control. Steffy took the helm and handed down the verdicts. If it were solely up to her the trio of traitors would be out of their jobs and thrown out of the building, however, they had to be realistic. Carter not only got to stay but he would remain as the COO and resume his duties as the FC legal council. 

Brooke, too, was allowed to stay. She wouldn’t be the CEO, though. That job title was for a Forrester. It was unclear what role she would take on now, but as Steffy pointed out, she was lucky to even still be in the room. Brooke took the news in stride. 

No Hope for the Future

Hope was next and even spoke up to ask about her fate. She pointed out a deal was made yesterday with Ridge to keep her. Steffy then dropped the bomb that as Co-CEO, she gets a say too. She outright called Hope a disgrace and claimed she tainted the message of Hope for the Future. The line is being shelved. The line will not succeed with her name attached to it. 

Hope lost it but her outrage did no good. It didn’t change a thing. Steffy stood strong. This is about family, honor, and respect. The more Hope spoke up, the worse things got. And, when Carter and Brooke tried to stick up for her, Steffy made it clear they were walking on thin ice and to watch themselves. Then, she dismissed Hope outright. Hope went to walk out and demanded Carter go with her. So far, he hasn’t moved a muscle. 

Moments of Uncertainty

Down in the staging area, Daphne Rose (Murielle Hilaire) and Zende (Delon de Metz) discussed how different things feel now that the Forresters are back in control. They wondered how the initial meeting would go and Daphne Rose wondered if it would be the last for a few of the coup players. They took bets on who would be there and who wouldn’t by the time all was said and done. 

They both agreed Hope would be on the chopping block. There was no way Steffy would keep her in the building. Zende joked that it was what Daphne Rose wants, especially since she’s getting close to Carter. It would be bad for Zende, though, seeing that he’s the lead designer of the line. 

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