No one is advocating gun violence as a way to solve disputes. But, admit it, there’s a part of The Bold and the Beautiful viewers who are cackling gleefully at the thought of Quinn – finally! – getting her just desserts.
What Goes Around Comes Around
Quinn (Rena Sofer) has gotten away with a bucket-load of crimes.
There was stabbing Bill (Don Diamont) and Liam. There was trying to kill Liam (Scott Clifton) in a separate incident by locking him in a steam-room. There was kidnapping Liam and holding him prisoner while convincing him they were married. And that’s just Liam.
She pushed Ivy (Ashleigh Brewer) into the Seine. She pushed Deacon (Sean Kanan) off a cliff. She is a very, very bad person.
But now that Quinn is married to Eric (John McCook) that’s all… forgotten?
Not by viewers. And not by at least one citizen of LA. Katie (Heather Tom) is tired of Quinn the bitch getting rewarded while Katie the (self-proclaimed) good girl goes home empty-handed. Was Katie out of her mind enough to pull the trigger?
And if she (or someone else) was, does Quinn totally deserve it? She’s never really paid for any of her sins, has she? Sure, she doesn’t have Bill. But does she really want him?
And she lost Liam, who was the first man to love her unconditionally (in a brain damaged sort of way). Plus, her initial goal of keeping Liam away from Steffy (Jacqueline MacInnes Wood) so Wyatt (Darin Brooks) could have her fell apart, too.
But those aren’t punishments. Those are minor set-backs. (And not having to deal with Bill anymore is actually a reward.)
Quinn played the “I was sick and sad and did I mention I once had to eat cottage cheese because I was poor?” card and everyone more or less forgave her. Or, at least, declined to have her punished, which Liam most certainly could have done.
Will Quinn ever suffer the way she’s made other people suffer?
Why, hello there, Sheila (Kimberlin Brown)!
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