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What Is Really Going On With Hope on Bold and the Beautiful 

Has Hope finally reached her breaking point?

Bold and the Beautiful's Hope with the SoapHub logo.Has Hope finally reached her breaking point?

Hope has always been the picture of grace and goodness on Bold and the Beautiful, but lately, something seems…off. Between her pounding headaches that had her running to Finn, sudden thirst for drama, and erratic behavior, fans are wondering: What in the world is happening to Hope?

A Breakdown or Something Else?

Some fans speculate that Hope (Annika Noelle) may be suffering from a delayed emotional breakdown. Bottling up pain and pushing forward is what she does best, but at some point, even the strongest have to crack. Her recent headaches could be stress-induced, a physical manifestation of all the turmoil she’s suppressed.

Then there’s the possibility that she’s pregnant. A surprise baby could certainly explain her mood swings – not to mention why she seems so lost and emotional. If that’s the case, things could very well take another sharp turn for Hope and Carter (Lawrence Saint-Victor). They are in the middle of a fiery breakup, and things between them are rocky at best. 

MORE: Find out what’s coming up on B&B!

A Shocking Shift 

Hope’s life has been anything but smooth sailing, and she’s been through enough trauma to last a lifetime. From believing her daughter Beth was dead, to being stalked by Thomas (Matthew Atkinson), to finally giving him a shot only to reject his proposal, she’s had one emotional rollercoaster after another. Could it all be catching up with her?

After everything he’d done, Hope still chose to be with him. But when he proposed, she pumped the brakes. That decision seemed to spark a shift in her demeanor. Is she regretting it? Without Thomas constantly reassuring her and putting her on a pedestal, is she feeling adrift? Is Carter not enough to replace what she felt with the Forrester heir? 

Is Hope Losing Herself?

Plain and simple Hope is not herself. Something has gone wrong. Something has shifted, and it’s time to figure out the root cause of all this chaos. If she continues down this dark path, she’ll continue losing everything she holds dear and honestly – there’s not much left for her to loose. She’s holding onto to life as she knows it by a very, very thin thread. 

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