The Bold and the Beautiful recap for Friday, May 17 features a very happy little boy at the Spencer mansion and two very angry women duking it out at the Forrester estate. It was like night and day between the two homes.
Reunited and It Feels So Good!
Bill (Don Diamont) and Katie (Heather Tom) officially kissed, made up, and promised to look forward instead of back. However, there was one small issue — a secret still loomed between them.
Katie confessed to her seductive scheme. She was sorry but she had to make sure Bill was really true to her. Fortunately, he understood. How could he blame her when he used to cheat on her with her sister?
New Spreads Fast
Shauna (Denise Richards) spilled all the details to the Logan sisters and they were gleeful over Bill passing the test. It was a gamble but well worth it.
A Dream Come True
No one was happier than Will. He started his mission months ago and the day is finally here. His mom and dad are together, in love, and planning their next trip down the aisle. He was one elated little boy.
A Living Nightmare
Meanwhile, Zoe (Kiara Barnes) paid Flo (Katrina Bowden) a visit at her new home. To say she was not happy about the move is an understatement. Zoe tried to banish Flo from LA (again) but it did not work (again).
Flo stood her ground and put her foot down with Zoe once and for all. She lives where she wants, date who she wants, and will work where she wants. Her life is here in LA whether Zoe likes it or not.
Well, that did not sit well with Zoe. She went on a tirade about baby Beth and warned Flo to watch her step. Unfortunately, it was Zoe who should have watched her mouth. Hope heard her going on about Beth and demanded to know what was going on.
The Bold and the Beautiful (BB) airs weekdays on CBS. Check your local listings for airtimes.

Video Credit: CBS
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