Quinn and Liam continue to be a hot topic on “The Bold and the Beautiful.” Her pleas for a second chance, coupled with her arrest, have fans in an uproar.
Quinn (Rena Sofer) is devious, but her time with Liam (Scott Clifton) somehow brought out her softer side. Some would even argue being with Liam helped bring a new perspective to her life.
Now, Liam is a key player in what happens to her. Soap Hub asked if you want Liam to stand up to Quinn and make sure she’s punished or should forgive and forget?
Of the nearly 1,200 votes, 68% of you want Liam to make sure Quinn’s locked up for good. Whether it’s jail or a psych ward you want to see her put away. There’s no way Liam should ever forgive Quinn for anything she’s done. Time and time again, she’s tortured him, and enough is enough.
A smaller 28% of our readers want Liam to save Quinn from a life of confinement. Quinn’s crazy, but she only kidnapped Liam out of love for Wyatt (Darin Brooks). Falling in love with Liam was an afterthought of her motherly instinct to protect her son.

The final 4% of you don’t care what happens to Quinn. You’re sick and tired of her antics, and this storyline is long overdue for a closure. You want it wrapped up so the show can move onto bigger and better storylines.
B&B airs weekdays on CBS. Share your thoughts, leave a comment in the section below. Additionally, for more Bold and the Beautiful spoilers updates, recaps, and news, go to Soap Hub’s Facebook fanpage and join the conversation about all your favorite soap!
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