Little did viewers suspect when an unsuspecting Flo got caught up in the baby switch storyline on The Bold and the Beautiful that she’d be revealed as a Logan and that her mom, Shauna, would be making the scene. Which Fulton gal do you like the most?
It’s a tough choice. On one hand, both women knew that Dr. Reese Buckingham (Wayne Brady) stole Hope’s (Annika Noelle) baby and sold her to Taylor (Hunter Tylo) and Steffy (Jacqueline MacInnes Wood) but Flo (Katrina Bowden) knew it longer. Shauna (Denise Richards) was just trying to protect her daughter by keeping quiet about it.
The Bold and the Beautiful Poll Results
The majority of you, 76%, chose Flo probably in no small part due to Bowden’s poignant performances. Flo felt and continues to feel horrible about her role in the whole mess. She came close many times to telling everyone the truth.
Alas, little Shauna! Sure, she kept quiet about baby Beth, but if she had blabbed all then Flo could have gone to jail! Shauna’s got her sights set on Ridge (Thorsten Kaye), which might turn some viewers off to her. However, those of you who admire her for going after what she wants are behind her all the way!
Terrific Twosome
The best part about Flo and Shauna is that they’re so believable as mother and daughter. At times, it seems that Flo’s more like the parent, rolling her eyes at her mom’s latest scheme.
Shauna’s almost impish as she speculates as to what her next plan could be. No matter what Shauna has up her sleeve, she’s got her daughter’s best interests at heart. The Bold and the Beautiful airs weekdays on CBS. Check local listings for air times.

Video Credit: boldandbeautiful
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