I, Sybil the Psychic, have been trying to feel the love but am actually sensing a lot of drama about to explode on all of our favorite soaps.
Days of Our Lives
While there has been some backstabbing and lying going on in Salem (hardly new, I realize), it seems these petty little crimes will pale compared to what’s coming down the road. According to the crystal ball, I’m seeing young people in grave danger as they’re kidnapped. I’m trying to see the culprit, but the ball is a bit murky with darkness.
It could be an organization that is seeking out revenge or it could be a dastardly crime family that is famous for its shenanigans. Either way, Salemites will come together to get to the bottom of it and save their loved ones. On that, the crystal ball is crystal clear.
General Hospital
You would think that someone with so much goodness in him would be able to avoid a lot of trouble, but that doesn’t seem the case for one Port Chuckster. It looks like he will be in dire need of assistance, but will the right person respond to the call or could he end up owing the wrong person?
The tea leaves show an upsidedown heart, which could indicate a relationship is hitting the skids.
The Young and the Restless
As always, someone gets to pick a Tarot card and today it was Chelsea (Melissa Clair Egan). She picked the Hanged Man card, which doesn’t necessarily mean death but rather a decision may be made that she can’t turn back from – and it just may cost her everything and everyone she loves.
The Bold and the Beautiful
While all may seem calm in Los Angeles, the crystal ball is showing jealousy running rampant and at least one person could end up taking things way too far and causing injury in the process. It looks like things are out of control and lives (and relationships) will be forever changed – if someone doesn’t stop him or herself before it’s too late.
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