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After All My Children Reboot Talk, One Life To Live Alums Weigh In On Possibility

One Life To Live alums are open to the idea of a reboot as a movie on Lifetime, with all of them expressing their love for the show and their desire to revisit their characters.


In light of the news that All My Children is potentially being rebooted as a holiday movie on Lifetime, Soap Hub reached out to a few of your favorite One Life To Live alums to see their thoughts about the potential to bring their show back.


OLTL aired on ABC from July 15, 1968, to January 13, 2012. After that, it continued as a web series on Hulu and iTunes through The Online Network, running from April 29-August 19, 2013. The show centered primarily around the Lord family, particularly the wealthy and influential Victoria “Viki” Lord. Throughout the show’s long run, it also explored the lives of other families in the fictional town of Llanview, Pennsylvania, such as the Buchanans, the Cramers, and the Vegas. Viki Lord’s struggles with dissociative identity disorder and her family dynamics were key storylines that shaped much of the drama. OLTL was one of the first soap operas to introduce African-American characters in prominent roles, featuring Carla Gray (played by Ellen Holly) in the late 1960s, who passed as white, addressing racial identity issues. The show was groundbreaking for its time, being one of the first soap operas to tackle real-world social issues like racism, drug addiction, homophobia, and domestic violence. Its diverse characters and storylines set it apart in the genre.Many famous actors made guest appearances on the show, including Tommy Lee Jones (Mark), Laurence Fishburne (Joshua), Ryan Phillippe (Billy) and Nathan Fillion (Joey), who had early roles before their careers took off.

John Brotherton (Jared)

How would you feel about OLTL being rebooted as a movie? A movie wouldn’t do it justice, it would need to be a full blown 10+ episode mini-series weaving throughout the fabric of Llanview’s turbulent history.

Even though Jared died, we all know people never stay dead on soaps. Would you be interested in reprising the role of a resurrected Jared or play a new character/unknown twin? I had the greatest time playing the crafty and cunning Jared Banks, forever a legend, but last time I checked they never found his body… 

What do you miss about being on soaps? So much. It was a dream time for me. The incredible people, both cast and crew. Hard working professionals, who cared. I miss living and working in New York, walking those streets to work, feeding off its energy. Playing outlandish storylines. The passionate fanbase. Just being a part of the legendary daytime soap opera universe, and its eternal place on the wall-of-fame of entertainment history. It was a badge of honor. Bootcamp for actors. I reveled in every moment of it. 

Kassie DePaiva (Blair)

How would you feel about OLTL being rebooted as a movie? I think there is still a fan base that would be very interested in tuning in to see how their favorite towns people from Springfield, Oakdale,Llanview, and Pine Valley are doing. 

What do you think Blair is up to these days? Well, based on Blair’s last appearance in Port Charles. She’s very successful and a newly divorced woman. I would hope she has rekindled her ongoing flame for Todd and has many grandchildren.

What do you miss the most about being on the soaps? I miss the people and the friendships that were made over the many years. I miss the laughter and fun on and off set. My heart was full while I worked on the soap operas. It was an amazing job that brought me and so many others joy. I’m forever grateful.

David A. Gregory (Ford)

How would you feel about a reboot as a television movie, if it were to happen for OLTL? I am 4000% in favor of it. But the main reason is you have actors like Erika Slezak (Viki), Robin Strasser (Dorian), Bob Woods (Bo) — these are some of the greatest actors in the history of television — and they are waiting in the wings. Bring. Them. Back. Give them a killer script full of beautiful ideas and complex situations, and they will hit it out of the park. They deserve that. What an honor it was to be in their orbit. 

What do you think/or would you like Ford to be up to now, if he were resurrected miraculously? Seen as a ghost or even as a never known twin? I’ve actually got some CRAZY ideas for Ford. I think it all depends on the vision for the project. But I’ve got a mustache now so let’s just say I wouldn’t be opposed to honoring the late Phil Carey with some western flashback scenes. After all, who shot Jesse James? Some guy named Robert Ford. 

What do you miss about being on soaps? I’m sure you’re going to get this answer a lot: The people. Unlike other TV shows, soaps exist in people’s homes 5 days a week. There’s a familial aspect to them because you see these characters more than just once a week. It’s the same behind the scenes. Monday through Friday, there we were on West 66th street, blocking a scene in the break room with director Jill Mitwell; having a cup of coffee with Wayne Bilotti in the hair and makeup room; talking with David Coleman, our head of security; getting announcements over the PA from our dearly departed stage manager Keith Greer; chatting with all of you on the steps outside the studio. That’s what makes daytime tick. How lucky we were.

Josh Kelly (Cutter)

How would you feel about OLTL being rebooted as a movie? I love it! I would be over the moon, especially a Christmas movie. That would be so fun. I feel like that would make so many people happy too. I know Cutter would not be a main character, in so far as a the storyline with the Buchanans, but I would love to be a part of it. On OLTL Cutter was a big part but he was not the central focus and I understand that. That is one of the things some actors don’t understand is your character is not always the most important character. To you it should be and you should play it. But you have to serve the story. 

Do you think the online reboot would have been more successful if it was not so early on into the new forms people digest entertainment content? Yes. House of Cards had not come out yet. Before House of Cards people did not really know what to expect from an online, streaming show. They thought [the reboot] it was like an internet show, like a webisode, House of Cards really changed that and turned it into what every tv show is now, which is a streaming show essentially.

Where do you see Cutter today? Running for Congress or something big. Maybe being a tech guy and getting in on the Bitcoin and giving the Buchanans a run for their money!

What are some of your fondest memories of being on the show? Getting to work with Tom Degnan (Joey). We were best friends, but we played enemies. That was fun. Getting to work with Bree Williamson (Jess/Tess) was always fun because of the multiple personality/DID. Those scenes were always interesting. My whole time on the show actually. It was a fun time and a really collaborative  effort. 

In the time between OLTL and General Hospital, where you currently play Cody, what did you miss the most about being part of genre? I missed the volume of a stories, because a television show usually has one storyline and people that support it for a season. It takes 4-5 months to shoot a 10-episode season and you are only telling one person’s arc, or maybe two. Then the other arcs take like 5 years and it is kind of boring as an actor. The final product is prettier, I think, because there is more time with post-production and shooting it. You shoot two scenes a day on a regular show whereas on GH we are shooting sometimes 90 pages a day, which is insane, but exciting. But I missed it and I was doing good projects that I am proud of, but truthfully I missed having more story.

Did you find it more difficult to jump back into daytime given the fast-paced nature than from your time away in movies and television? Yeah, it did not come back as quickly as I thought it would. I hyper-analyzed the whole thing too. I was trying to figure out why it was taking longer. With OLTL it took me about two weeks and my brain changed. But back then I was not on social media and I had moved to New York, so essentially my entire life was OLTL. Doing GH [which shoots in Los Angeles] where I already had a life and a lot of experiences. It is also a discipline thing, but it was a good learning lesson. GH is a totally different show and it shoots a lot faster. I also assumed shooting another soap would be the same, but it is not. 

What would you like to say to the fans that have followed you from OLTL throughout your whole career and now with GH? I love you all and I thank you so much.  

John-Paul Lavoisier (Rex)

How would you feel about a reboot as a television movie, if it were to happen for OLTL?  Well I must admit this is the first I’m hearing of a possible AMC flick, and it has made me smile wide. I grew up on AMC and have such fond memories of how it made me feel. I specifically remember two actors in particular in the 80’s and early 90’s. One for his amazing comedic timing and the other for his severe dramatic intensity. Later, as I reached “young man territory”, there were a couple ladies that got me watching in a newfound way. Even after moving to New York and becoming an employee of ABC in 2001 I continued to be a fan of the show, stories, and talent right up till its finale. And so, I say with absolute certainty, I’d be in line EARLY for a Pine Valley Premiere.

A OLTL reboot would be most interesting to me in seeing what types of story ideas were being created by the writers specifically reflecting the history of what the characters have been through. Easter eggs, nods, references, winks, hidden pleasures sprinkled throughout for not only the actors to enjoy playing, but also for the fans to catch. What’s better than being let it on a secret? Feeling part of a small exclusive group? Or that electric “AH HA!” spark that comes with a joyful realization? A revisit to Llanview packed with this fabric, in my eyes, would make it oh so attractive.

Where do you see Rex at this stage of his life? I’ve actually never put thought on where Rex would be at this stage. But thinking now, totally off cuff, taking into account I’ve never (really) written a (fictional) story before, I like to imagine Rex dealing with the actions and lives of his children. What it might be like for him handling a full-grown Shane, maybe even with a son of his own now. I think Shane would be about 26 in 2025, and since Rex had him at 18 it’s entirely possible. Shane may also have been a young dad, making Rex a grandfather. I would LOVE to play scenes with a baby. Changing, feeding, sleep training, strollers in the park…moments for physical comedy and “Jack Tripper clumsiness” is always a goal of mine. I could also picture Rex with another son, perhaps about 8 or 9 now. Driving him absolutely insane. Why? Because he’d be a “mini Rex”. The kid Rex was at that age. Almost teetering on “the bad seed.” But, ya know, without murders……maybe?!?! (What’s this movie rated??)

You will be returning to Days of Our Lives as Philip. How does it feel to be back in the daytime community? I have great passion for reading, memorizing, and performing, and being (back) on Days fuels these addictions. The sensation being on stage, in a scene, knowing you know what to do, and having a counterpart (or parts!) there with you, knowing they ALSO know what to do, is one of the coolest things I get to be a part of. And in Salem, I am just that. A part of something that makes me FEEL. And for the rest of my days I will be extremely grateful for it. I grew up with a soap opera, and am so very honored to have continued to grow, and be grown, with them. 

Mark Lawson (Brody)

How would you feel about One Life to Live being rebooted as a movie? There was wonderful work happening in that studio every day, from every department. One Life is piece of television history. I have nothing but wonderful memories of being on the show. Even hard days were good days. So I would be behind any efforts to bring it back as a film, as a series, whatever works!

What do you think Brody would be up to today? When I filmed the last scene (the last scene on the last day for the series before it went online), Brody was heading off on a new adventure. He and Jessica had a warm, understanding goodbye then he sailed off into the sunset. I often think about what he’s doing now…social worker who moonlights as a kidnap and rescue expert, firefighter, private detective. He’s a character with lots of interesting opportunities to explore. I still have Brody’s police badge, his boots, and my favorite jacket of his. So I’m ready to go whenever the call comes in.

What do you miss about being on soaps? Honestly? All of it. I really was blessed with the trust of the producers and writers. They gave me such wonderful material and some big, big swings to take. It almost felt like they were reading my journal at some points because I would just think something as Brody and suddenly, a week or two later, it would appear in a script. I was equally blessed to work with the cast members I did.

Beyond the performance aspects, I really miss the nine-to-five feel of putting in the work each week. Some days it would be ten pages, some days it would be a hundred. What mattered was showing up, doing your best work, and punching out at the end of the day. I took every moment on that show seriously and am still grateful for it.

Erika Slezak (Viki)

How would you feel about a reboot as a television movie, if it were to happen for OLTL and would you take part? I think it is a wonderful idea. It would depend on where it was being shot and how long, but yes, probably would, because I loved playing Viki. I loved her, all of her alters, everything. It would also depend on who is writing it, because the writing is so important. We had, for the most part, fabulous writers, starting with Agnes Nixon, who was just bloody brilliant. She set it up and introduced these characters and in an unconventional way. Having Carla, played by Ellen Holly, who was passing for white, because she wanted to work in the hospital, was so new in those days.

What do you think Viki would be up to today? Well Viki would have grown by 11 years (laughs)! She would still be the same person. She would be worrying about her kids and grandkids, [because] there would probably be grandkids that were around by this time. There is always romance and she would still be running the newspaper and fighting with people and. The relationship with Dorian would go on forever.

What do you miss about being on soaps and do you have a message to the fans? I miss working. I miss the fun and pleasure of it. To the fans, thank so much for your loyalty and love of the show. I am sorry we are not there to entertain you anymore. God bless and thank you for watching!

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