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The Astounding Conclusion: Soap Fans Aren’t Always Proud To Be WHAT?

Soap Opera WatchersSoap Opera Watchers

Many soap fans have been loyal viewers for decades while others started viewing recently.

Although, most tune in each day, how do they feel about advertising their daytime drama affection to others? Soap Hub asked, and thousands weighed in.

Shout From The Mountaintops!

A stunning 76% of you are loud and proud about your stories! You tune in every day, and you share your love of soaps unabashedly!

Perhaps you’ve been watching your favorite daytime drama(s) since day one, and you know the entire history of the show (even better than the writers in some cases). Or, maybe you’re a newbie who can’t wait to connect with others and find your people and bond over discussing the same characters.

No matter where you are in your sudser watching history, you are not in the least bit ashamed of it!

Guilty Pleasure

This daily drama is a guilty pleasure for 17% of you. You watch them, but sometimes you’re not so proud of it. Especially when the storylines go crazy, or you’re asked to suspend belief too often.

Perhaps you dislike the fact that so many couples break up and switch up throughout or there is too much baby daddy/momma drama.

You keep your knowledge of soaps on a need to know basis with your family and friends, and most of them don’t necessarily need to know…

All By Myself

All alone in your love of soaps, 8% of you love watching, but you just don’t know others who feel the same way. You are proud to keep up with your stories, but you don’t really share it with anybody else you know.

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