The series is remembered fondly for its many memorable, larger-than-life characters, including Reva Shayne Lewis (Kim Zimmer), Alan Spaulding (the late Chris Bernau; Ron Raines), Roger Thorpe (the late Michael Zaslow), Alexandra Spaulding (Beverlee McKinsey), Robert Newman (Joshua Lewis), Jordan Clarke (Billy Lewis), India von Halkein (Mary Kay Adams), Maeve Kinkead (Vanessa), Jerry verDorn (Ross), and many more that is too numerous to mention!
GL won the Daytime Emmy for Outstanding Drama Series three times and Outstanding Drama Series Writing Team six times.
While fans had hoped that the news of GL’s cancellation, which was announced on April 1st — aka April Fool’s Day — was a horrible joke, the news was, sadly, all too real.
While GL may be gone, it’s remembered fondly in the hearts and minds of the show’s many fans.
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