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Happy or Troubled: What’s Best For Soap Supercouples?!

Soap Opera 1990sSoap opera Couples

It’s a Catch-22 for fans of soap couples: You want your favorites front and center, but you also want to see them happy and in love… and the two rarely can happen in tandem.

There are just so many scenes writers like to pen with couples just basking in the afterglow because it can get boring! Soaps need something happening and, quite often, it’s the problems that face couples that brings the most drama!

It doesn’t always have to be cheating but that’s often the case and for a fan of a certain couple, betrayal feels personal and you don’t want it any more than the character who was cheated on wants it. But what do you do? You want to see your faves. What are you willing to have happen to them?

Soap Hub asked and over 11,000 of you played writer, sharing what you believe is the best way to have your wedding cake and eat it too.

Bridge Over Troubled Water
A whopping 71% are willing to accept problems if that’s what it takes to keep your favorite couple front and center.

It would be so much worse for them to be off the show happy than to be facing adversity and you know it. Sure, you want to see them fight it together but if that’s not in the cards but they’re on all the time, you’re good!

Love Rules
Not so fast, claim 18%. You want your couple happy and you don’t care if that puts them on the back burner!

Nothing and no one should come between your faves and if that puts them in storyline Siberia, so be it! After all, they fought like crazy to be together! That means they need to actually BE together!

Ring That Triangle
Only 7% are willing to trust the writers to bring in a third party to upset your favorite couple. You trust them to not ruin everything and for your faves to eventually prevail! You understand the workings of a soap opera and will go with it… as long as the couple wins out in the end.

Misery Breeds Story
Then there’s the rare breed of viewer — only adding up to about 4% — who get that misery is what makes the soap wheel turn. You love your favorite couple being in a huge story so you are ready for the writers to make them as miserable as possible if that means you see them all the time!

Video Credit: MsMojo

Video Credit: WatchMojo.com

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