They have all done the unthinkable and yet we can’t help but love them. But which soap villain is your all-time favorite?
You know that they’re bad but you also know that your favorite soap would have been so boring without these villains causing trouble for all of the good guys in town.
After all, who wants to watch people being happy 100% of the time, with nothing ever going wrong to them or those they love?
That’s not why we watch soaps! We want to see something happen and when it’s something so huge that it unites everyone — all the better.
So which baddie has been the best of the best that you just can’t get enough? Soap Hub wanted to know, and you certainly made your voices heard!
The Phoenix Rises Again
After over 6,000 votes were tallied, more than half of you — 53% — chose Stefano (the late Joseph Mascolo) from Days of Our Lives as your favorite bad guy. How could you not? He was debonaire, he was diabolical, and he had the best henchmen and henchwomen!
Not only that, his plans were so out there — well, let’s just say that life was never boring when he was around causing trouble. And he even fathered half of Salem!
The Mustache
Another 24% chose Victor (Eric Braeden) from The Young and the Restless. He’s so bad, his biography is called Ruthless!
He lashes out whenever he’s hurt and unfortunately for them, it’s often his family members who are burned the most. Well, them and Jack Abbott (Peter Bergman), of course!
The Ice Princess
OK, she’s not really the Ice Princess, but 21% feel that Helena Cassadine (Constance Towers) was the best at being the worst. She thought nothing of kidnapping people and letting their families believe they were dead, simply to suit her own agenda. And she looked fabulous while doing it!
Write-In Candidate
Still, 1% of you didn’t like these choices and you had your own you wanted to put forward. Highest vote-getters were from DAYS, where people wrote in Victor (John Aniston), Chad (Billy Flynn), Stefan (Tyler Christopher) and Gabi (Camila Banus).
The Bold and the Beautiful also had Bill (Don Diamont) and Quinn (Rena Sofer), while Faison (Anders Hove) from GH also was shown some love. All My Children’s Adam (the late David Canary) also got a vote.
Video Credit: MsMojo
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