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Should Drew Return For Sam On General Hospital?

General Hospital Drew and SamGeneral Hospital

On General Hospital, Drew is presumed dead. Yeah, so was Taggart (Réal Andrews) most recently. And Jason (Steve Burton), which is what brought Drew (Billy Miller) to Port Charles in the first place. And so were Anna (Finola Hughes), and Robert (Tristan Rogers), and Sonny (Maurice Benard), and Laura (Genie Francis), and more, once upon a time.

General Hospital Polling

The point is, death is, at best, a temporary condition. So all we need to know is, do over 4,000 of you want Drew to come back for Sam (Kelly Monaco)?

Halfway There

A winning 46% of the audience would love to see Drew return… but not for Sam. You still remember how she treated him the last time around when she was so furious that Drew didn’t want the mother of his child to be a gangster’s moll, and get a real job, and wear skirts and other items of oppression. Drew should come back to Port Charles. And find a woman who really deserves him.

Good Man

A slightly smaller 30% are convinced that Drew was the best thing that ever happened to Sam, and the only way she’ll ever see that for herself is if he returns. Sam has had enough of Jason and his shoot first, ask questions later lifestyle.

This means now is the ideal time to remember everything Drew once meant to her. And, oh, yeah, he was a much better father to Scout – and even Danny – than Jason even pretends to want to be.

Best Ever For Sam

Then again, 24% want Sam with Jason and Jason only. Who needs to open presents under the Christmas tree when you can be cowering behind an overturned table, covering your children with your body as bullets fly through the windows? We ask you, which one gets the adrenaline pumping? And which one is more vintage Sam? General Hospital (GH) airs weekdays on ABC. Check your local listings for airtimes.

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