Watching Nelle taunt Carly with her smiling sweet and innocent act, which Carly knew was anything but, seemed almost like foreshadowing on General Hospital (GH) this week.
We know Nelle spent times in a psychiatric facility before, and we assume she likely worked a number on her doctors so they’d believe she was A-ok. Clearly, Nelle is a sociopath, and a dangerous one at that.
With Chloe Lanier leaving this show, Soap Hub asked if it will be Nelle who ends up in Ferncliff in the end, which would be the ultimate irony – and a great way to end her tale without killing her off.
Well, this wasn’t a hard one and more than 8,000 of you played armchair psychiatrist.
It seems a whopping 90% of you thinks that Ferncliff is EXACTLY where Nelle will end up once this chapter in her story has been told. It would be the ultimate revenge on Carly’s part.
When Nelle learns she’s been played, she’s bound to become more unhinged and Ferncliff will just be the next natural step.
Of course, there are the 10% of you who still have faith in Nelle. Maybe she will realize her wrongs and just leave town. Or, maybe she won’t realize her wrongs and leave town as a way to escape.
Now, whether she leaves town with the baby remains to be seen, but we can bet the baby won’t be entering Ferncliff with her if that’s what ultimately ends up happening to Nelle.
And, perhaps Nelle will make a friend there named Liesl Obrecht, who has also seemed to lose touch with reality of late.
General Hospital (GH) airs weekdays on ABC. Check your local listings for airtimes.

Video Credit: carlybabes
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