It’s been going on for over two decades now on General Hospital, as Jason and Carly’s obsession with each other has outlasted every romantic relationship they’ve ever had.
Sure, they started off by having sex on a pool table, and Carly (then-Sarah Brown) fixating on Jason (Steve Burton) to the point where she got him to pretend to be Michael’s father in order to keep the then-redheaded tot away from AJ.
But, over the years, it’s gotten harder to figure out who is more over-involved in whose life. Especially recently, when Jason ignored all of his children, and even the seemingly-renewed relationship with Sam (Kelly Monaco), in order to rescue Carly (Laura Wright) from her latest predicament.
How much is too much? Here’s how almost 8,000 fans voted.
Turn It Down a Notch
Taking a job at a mental hospital, risking his own freedom by breaking out a convicted felon, then offering to run away to Canada so Carly can’t be extradited (why Jason isn’t a legal scholar), that’s taking matters way too far, 56% of you decree.
Carly has Sonny (Maurice Benard) to fawn over her, and Jason should have Sam… or Liz (Rebecca Herbst)… or, heck, even Robin (Kimberly McCullough). Just get over the Carly thing. Together, you both take all the fun out of dysfunctional.
Loyalty Oath
What’s wrong with supporting your friends, a contrary 43% wonder. With all the bed-hopping that happens on soaps, Jason and Carly’s platonic bond is actually touching. They’re ride or die, they stand by each other, no matter what. Those are all good things. Why would anyone want to discourage that?
Write-In Votes
And then there were the 33 votes for no, it’s Carly who’s obsessed with Jason. The rest see it as a mutual obsession and are pretty sure Carly is still in love with her first Port Charles conquest.
General Hospital (GH) airs weekdays on ABC. Check your local listings for airtimes.
Video Credit: Exclusive Taste7
=Video Credit: kcamowje
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