Sam has a habit of finding herself in grave danger on General Hospital, but I – Sybil the Psychic – plan to look into her future to see if there will be something better for her down the line.
By examining my crystal ball, laying out the cards, and reading the tea leaves, I plan to predict what’s coming up for Sam (Kelly Monaco). But I make no promises because let’s face it – it’s not an exact science (and I’m not really that… talented). Okay, it’s time to dig in.
Near Future
The crystal ball shows that things with Shiloh (Coby Ryan McLaughlin) deteriorate and he becomes more desperate — and somehow Sam will get in the middle of things and become a pawn his powerplay that involves both Jason (Steve Burton) and Drew (Billy Miller).
The crystal ball can see a tight space where Sam will be trapped. She will be cold and while things will look pretty dire, Sam will still have hope — she knows that Jason will stop at nothing until she is back safe in his arms.
A Few Weeks Down The Line
Sam chose the Judgment card, which signifies plans, often long in the making, coming to fruition. Sam should be prepared to make a major decision, likely one that will shape the next chapter of her life.
As for the past, Sam is beginning anew. For her present, it has arrived and the past is relinquishing its hold on her fate. This is the best time for Sam to change an element of her lifestyle.
As for her future, Sam’s path is at her feet and the direction it is leading her is clear. She will see her ultimate desire through to the end.
Further Into the Future
In reading his tea leaves, I, Sybil the Psychic, spot a heart — a lover. It was close to a ring, which means marriage to the present lover is in her future. General Hospital (GH) airs weekdays on ABC. Check your local listings for airtimes.

Video Credit: General Hospital

Video Credit: General Hospital
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