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GH Spoilers Speculation: Someone Spills Nina’s Secret To Sonny

Martin starts a chain reaction on GH.

gh spoilers speculation banner over sonny looking at nina.Sonny Corinthos will find out the truth -- but not from Nina.

GH spoilers are teasing a Nina at the end of her rope. Now that Michael got Martin to spill that Nina was the one who turned Carly and Drew in to the SEC — and he’s blackmailing her over it — her only option is to come clean with Sonny.

GH Spoilers Speculation

If Nina (Cynthia Watros) does that, Michael (Chad Duell) won’t have any more leverage over her. And Nina can stop looking so guilty every time she and Carly (Laura Wright) cross paths. But will she go ahead and do the right thing? Or will someone else beat her to it?

General Hospital: Beat Him at His Own Game

Michael thinks he has the upper hand over Nina. Every time she doesn’t do what he wants — which, with Nina, is, like, all of the time, especially where Willow (Katelyn MacMullen), Wiley, and Amelia Grace are concerned — he can threaten to go running to Sonny (Maurice Benard) to tattle, just like he used to do when he was still a smaller, red-headed terror. The only way Nina will call his bluff is to spill to Sonny herself.

GH: No Time Like the Present

But timing has never been Nina’s strength, and we’re afraid she’ll wait too long, and someone else will beat her to the punch. Not Michael. He’ll bleed her for everything she’s worth, first. It has to be someone else. Someone who has a good reason to blow up Nina’s life.

GH Spoilers: First Among Equals

And we think we know the perfect candidate! It’s Martin (Michael E. Knight). Why Martin? Well, because he already blew attorney-client confidentiality when he let Michael whine…sorry, intimidate…him into exposing Nina’s actions. Nina has a heck of a lawsuit on her hands. Martin could even get disbarred!

But since he’s a weasel, leave it up to Martin to think he can protect himself by blackmailing Nina. Martin can also blackmail Nina, pointing out that if she sues him, she’d have to confess what it was he revealed. And she doesn’t want to do that, does she?

Except Martin underestimated Nina. If he’s just one blackmailer too many, she may explode and tell him she won’t give in. At which point Martin will get back at her by going to Sonny. Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face! But Sonny will finally know all. And Nina wouldn’t have been the one to tell him…which could end up being her biggest mistake.

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