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Soap Hub Performer of the Week for General Hospital: Michael Easton

General Hospital Performer of the Week Michael EastonGeneral Hospital Performer of the Week Michael Easton

Newlywed couples reportedly argue about money during their first year of marriage. Alas, Michael Easton’s Finn and Finola Hughes’ Anna didn’t get hitched but they’re still fighting. However, it’s not over money but something far more irreplaceable. For his performance as a caring father, a frustrated physician, and an angry ex-fiancé, Soap Hub bestows Performer of the Week honors for GH on Easton.

Michael Easton — Performer of the Week

Recently, Finn’s son (we’re still getting used to saying that) Chase (played by Josh Swickard) accidentally imbibed a poison that was meant for his father, landing him in the hospital with a condition that’s been difficult to diagnose.

Backed up labs are a part of hospital life, but Finn grew more frustrated upon learning that his son’s test results had been delayed

“You know, for a lab that is so good at leaking people’s personal information they seem to have a little bit of trouble doing their actual job,” Finn sarcastically vented to Dr. Portia Robinson (Brook Kerr).

Dr. Robinson advised her colleague not to go into doctor mode, but rather embrace his role as a father. However, Easton made the choice for Finn to be unable to separate the two. After reaching a stalemate with Portia, Finn snapped at Elizabeth (Rebecca Herbst) when she inquired as to how he was doing. Liz got Finn to calm down a little bit. Finn thanked her and realized he should apologize to Portia.

Meanwhile, Anna (Finola Hughes) failed to get Peter (Wes Ramsey) to turn over an antidote for Chase. Anna gently approached Finn to let him know that she knew what was wrong with Chase. The last thing she wanted to do was add to Finn’s frustrated feelings. (After all, if Peter was behind Chase’s condition, it had to be worse than Finn feared.)

Anna’s revelation to Finn was the tipping point. Up until this time, Easton was tapping into heavy sarcasm to display his character’s state of mind. Anna sharing what she did to him prompted Finn to lose it!

First, he threatened to kill Peter, using one of many different methods at his disposal given his medical background. The more Anna tried to contain the situation and explain the circumstances that led up to Chase’s poisoning (she told Finn he was the intended target), the angrier Finn became.

Furious to know that his son was harmed because of their connection, Finn blasted Anna over her war with Peter impacting his — and Chase’s — life. “I’ve got a better idea,” Finn shouted when Anna suggested she monitor Peter’s movements. “Why don’t you just stay the hell out of it!”

Anna wasn’t counting on Finn’s fury. Unfortunately for the super-spy, he was just getting started. “You don’t come anywhere near my son!” Finn blasted. “You remember all those times you pushed me away, trying to protect me from your world? I should have listened because your world and your psychotic family have literally poisoned mine!”

Driving his point home, Finn firmly added, “You did this! Not just Peter — you! And me because I let you in! Don’t try to ease your guilt by trying to put out the fire that you started!”

Finn walked off, feeling frustration and pain. After rounding a hospital corner, he stopped and contemplated going back to Anna either to blast her further or perhaps even apologize. We’ll never know as he chose to keep going away from the woman he was once going to marry.

If Finn puts as much care and passion into saving Chase as Easton does in honoring his acting craft, we have every reason to believe he’ll succeed. General Hospital (GH) airs weekdays on ABC. Check your local listings for airtimes.

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