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A Serial – Killing District Attorney? Did YOU See It Coming???

General Hospital stars Maura West and Richard BurgiGeneral Hospital stars Maura West and Richard Burgi

The suspect list for the General Hospital serial killer seemed a mile long. Fans and the PC Keystone Cops have tried pinning the murders on Dr. Finn, Andre Maddox, Nurse Amy, Obrecht, Franco, and Dr. Mayes. Well, it turns out EVERYONE was wrong and AVA is right.

We all figured out Paul Hornsby (Richard Burgi) is the killer just when Ava (Maura West) did. Ava was in state of shock, but were you? Soap Hub asked if the killer reveal stunned you or if you knew it all along.

Out of about 3,000 votes, 67% of you couldn’t believe your eyes when you saw Paul with that syringe. While you know he’s usually up to no good, you didn’t think he was that diabolical that he’d start killing random and innocent hospital patients for seemingly no reason. Now, you want to know if he does have a reason–and how he managed to pull off nearly killing Lucas (Ryan Carnes) when he was at the Nurses’ Ball.

Saw It Coming
A smaller 29% of you are not shocked at all. You knew he had to somehow be involved because he’s somehow involved with every misdeed story if Cassadines aren’t tied in. Besides, with Anna (Finola Hughes) gone, he hadn’t had much to do for a while and he needed an extra kick. Sitting around threatening Ava about that flash drive had grown old.

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The final 3% of you are not sure what to make of this turn of events. Sure, Paul is a bad guy so he likely should have been on the suspect list all along. However, you never thought of him as THAT bad. We guess there’s always surprises popping up in Port Charles–especially at General Hospital.

GH airs weekdays on ABC. Share your thoughts, leave a comment in the section below. Additionally, for more General Hospital spoilers updates, recaps, and news, go to Soap Hub’s Facebook fanpage and join the conversation about all your favorite soaps!

See what’s coming up next!

Did you miss the previous episode? Catch up now with this 60 second video recap!


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