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Trina Robinson Caught As The Phantom Of The Haunted Star

The GH recap for April 19, 2023, has Victor’s goons finding Trina.

the general hospital recap for april 19 2023 has trina robinson caught in the actVictor has Trina and Spencer where he wants them.

The General Hospital recap features Trina Robinson sabotaging the ship before she was sabotaged herself.

General Hospital Recap Highlights

In this episode, Trina snuck around The Haunted Star until Victor figured things out. Spencer was relieved she made it out of the communications room and was tasked with calming a colicky Ace. Austin and Elizabeth had to reassure Esme that a little colic might make a baby hurt and cry, but it won’t kill him. Michael asked Sonny to his wedding but not Nina, while Ava did her best to get Carly to see how good a forgiving heart can feel. Now, let’s dig a little deeper into the details.

General Hospital Recap: Trina Robinson Is In Trouble

Trina (Tabyana Ali) made it back to Spencer’s (Nicholas Alexander Chavez) stateroom, where he was going crazy worrying about her. She wanted to bring him food since Victor (Charles Shaughnessy) was starving him, but he told her not to risk it. So, she showed him the walkie-talkie she swiped from the communications room. Spencer loved hearing how his grandmother was able to help Trina navigate her way around the communications room.

READ THIS: Find out what’s happening next on General Hospital.

However, he was still a frantic mess as he quickly told Trina the highlights of Victor’s deranged plan to save the world. Spencer even worried that Nikolas learned the truth and Victor did something to him to stop him from talking. Knowing Victor’s plans to alter humanity and the planet made Trina more determined than ever to reach the engine room, so she left to do just that despite Spencer’s pleas.

Victor learned that Ace was quite fussy and wouldn’t stop crying but was even more annoyed when he learned that there was a walkie-talkie missing. He blamed all the problems on the help. However, he did decide to do something about the baby and brought him to his big brother so Spencer could soothe him. Spencer had to explain colic to a clueless Victor while telling him that Ace would be much better off staying with Spencer than a nanny. Victor was called away and learned there were some engine problems. He finally figured out someone had been causing diversions to sabotage the ship. Later, Spencer was surprised when Victor had him brought to the dining only to be horrified when Victor’s goons walked in with Trina.

GH Recap: Memories Do Strange Things

Curtis (Donnell Turner) arrived at GH to find Laura (Genie Francis) checking Esme (Avery Kristen Pohl) out of the hospital. Elizabeth (Rebecca Herbst) gave Esme her discharge instructions, but she insisted on speaking to Austin (Roger Howarth) about Ace’s colic. So, Elizabeth brought Franco — er, Austin — to her, and he assured her that Ace would be just fine despite being young and having tummy problems. Elizabeth reminded Esme that Spencer was with the baby, so he was receiving comfort, and Esme just took that as Liz saying Ace didn’t need her. Liz and Austin both made sure to compliment Esme’s parenting skills to make her feel better.

Later, Elizabeth told Austin about when one of her own children was kidnapped, and he felt for her. He then asked her why Nurse Amy (Risa Dorken) was giving him strange looks. Elizabeth asked Amy what was wrong, so Amy just told him to stop seeing Ava (Maura West). Amy continued to gossip about Ava and Nikolas until Liz sent her away. Ava soon arrived, and Liz was confused when Austin told her that things were not always what they seemed. Oddly enough, Austin seems to many like a man Liz once knew, but too bad it’s not him.

Elsewhere in the hospital, Laura did her best to talk Curtis out of going rogue, but Curtis wasn’t satisfied with everything the authorities were doing. When Esme reappeared, ready to go home, she told him that she appreciated Trina being so nice to her. When Esme went to get a drink, Curtis asked Laura if she really believed she had no memory of what she did, and Laura said yes. She then started talking about human memory being an odd thing, and it occurred to Curtis that Drew’s (Cameron Mathison) old memories could help them find a ship at sea.

Should Willow invite Nina to the wedding?

General Hospital Recap: Michael Hurts Nina, Ava Tries To Be Nice

Sonny (Maurice Benard) brought Nina (Cynthia Watros) into the hospital chapel for a quiet talk and informed her that Michael (Chad Duell) and Willow (Katelyn MacMullen) would be getting married the next day. Nina realized that Willow was planning her death and was saddened and horrified. Michael soon called and said he wanted to stop by. When Michael arrived, Nina kindly wished him and Willow luck on their big day and exited the room. Once alone, Michael invited his father to the wedding but made sure to tell Sonny that the invite was for him and not Nina.

That is when Nina returned and overheard what Michael had to say, leaving her devastated. Still, she put on a brave face and tried not to show her hurt. Sonny wasn’t even sure he was willing to go without her, but Nina insisted he should. Michael clearly felt awkward about the situation, especially when Nina only seemed concerned about Willow’s health. She then asked Michael and Sonny to just tell Willow she was thinking about her before running from the chapel in tears. When Nina was gone, Sonny reluctantly told Michael he’d be at the wedding.

At Wyndemere, Ava and Avery (Ava and Grace Scarola) bonded over evening puzzles when Carly (Laura Wright) stopped by for a visit to tell Ava about the imminent wedding and ensure that Avery could be the flower girl. Avery was thrilled to take on the job, but after she went to bed, Carly and Ava talked with them both, agreeing the wedding could be life-affirming. Ava asked Carly if Sonny and Nina would be invited to the wedding. Carly defensively said this was up to Michael and Willow and got even more defensive as Ava quietly pushed the idea. Carly asked her why she even cared, and Ava reminded her that Nina was her BFF. Ava ensured Carly knew that Nina was devastated about what was happening to Willow, but this just made Carly nastily ask her why she would be friends with Nina when they couldn’t have anything in common besides how they felt about her.

Carly reminded Ava of how Avery was born, with Nina inducing her labor during a psychotic break and taking the newborn. Ava admitted that was hard to get over but reminded Carly what forgiveness and grace were all about, telling her that Nina is a changed woman because of it. Ava admitted she couldn’t forgive everything, but she does not see Nina as the same woman as before. She also enjoys not carrying around such hate in her heart. Carly just continued to be condescending and nasty to Ava, but Ava did not give up. Instead, she did her best to get Carly to see she could be the person who heals some emotional wounds rather than perpetuating them.

Carly then went deep and asked Ava if what she did to Morgan kept her up at night. After all, Carly may have deprived Nina of her daughters, but Ava’s actions inadvertently took Morgan’s life. Carly only co-exists with Ava for Avery’s sake. Ava seemed to understand that but pointed out that time was running out for one parent and her child. That didn’t deter Carly as she blurted out that Ava only wanted to fix Nina because she couldn’t fix Trina.

That made little sense to Ava, so Carly was forced to tell her that Trina was aboard The Haunted Star. Ava asked Carly to stay and look after Avery so she could visit Portia. Carly agreed but was later surprised to see Nina at the front door.

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