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GH Recap: Anna And Sonny Trauma Dumped On Each Other 

Anna Devane needed a friend.

sonny corinthos empathized with anna devane on the general hospital recap for tuesday, november 7, 2023.Sonny Corinthos and Anna Devane on GH.

In the recap for Tuesday, November 7, 2023, Sonny opened up to Anna in an attempt to ease her guilt. 

General Hospital Recap Highlights

Also in this episode, Charlotte’s fate was revealed, Drew visited his daughter, and Curtis gained new insight. Now, let’s dig a little deeper into the details. 

The Awful Aftermath 

Anna (Finola Hughes) was a mess in the aftermath of shooting Charlotte. Sonny (Maurice Benard) stuck close to her as she relived the tragedy moment by moment and scene by scene. He made her coffee and even tried to distract her with his history of using coffee as his mob activity cover. 

It didn’t do much good, though. Before long, Nina (Cynthia Watros) came downstairs and Anna broke the terrible news. As expected, Nina ran off to the hospital to be with Valentin. 

Once alone again, Sonny attempted to alleviate Anna’s guilt by sharing his own story of nearly killing Dante (Dominic Zamprogna). While his tale was eerily similar, it didn’t do much to soothe Anna’s shattered soul. 

READ THIS: Find out what’s happening next on General Hospital.

Over at the hospital, Laura (Genie Francis) and Kevin (Jon Lindstrom) joined Valentin (James Patrick Stuart). None of them could believe Anna would do such a terrible thing — not one of them blamed themselves for not telling Anna. 

Nina arrived just as Kevin and Laura came back from trying to get an update. Minutes later, a doctor came out to share news from the surgical room. Charlotte was stable and expected to make a full recovery. Nina immediately called Sonny to share the news. Anna nearly collapsed with relief. 

A Rocky Investigation

At the police station, Dante, Robert (Tristan Rogers), Jordan (Tanisha Harper), and Mac (John J. York) tried to piece together what really happened. Robert shared what he could about Anna’s search for her stalker and her idea of who it was. He was sure that’s who Anna thought she was shooting. He neglected to remember how he was there when Anna discovered her key was missing. 

After much back and forth, the foursome took a break. Dante was handed an inventory list of Charlotte’s backpack and seemingly saw some very interesting entries. He decided to mull over it at home where he could lean on Sam. 

At the same time, Jordan pulled Mac and Robert aside to talk about serious business. She pointed out they were all far too close to the case and suggested bringing in an outside investigator. The men did not look keen on the idea. 

Bits Of Good News 

Over at The Invader, Alexis (Nancy Lee Grahn) worried to Gregory (Gregory Harrison) about running the story of Charlotte’s shooting. A child nearly being killed was newsworthy, for sure, but Alexis didn’t want to jump the gun (so to speak) without all the facts. In the end, she decided it was best to go to print but leave out the names. 

The chatter then turned to Gregory’s health. His ALS was progressing but he had no timeline yet. All he can do is complete his bucket list and hope for the best. Alexis was glad to join in on his activities list — except skydiving. That was a no-go. 

Drew (Cameron Mathison) finally turned up to see Scout — which pleased Sam (Kelly Monaco) to no end. Scout was sleeping when he arrived, which gave her parents a moment to catch up. Drew updated her on getting out of prison out of nowhere. He wasn’t about to question his good fortune but he was sure it was Alexis’s doing.

Once Scout woke up, Drew turned all his attention to the little girl. She was beyond elated to have her daddy home and he assured her he was out for good. Scout and Drew took off for a daddy-daughter day. Their first stop was to see Alexis. 

Meanwhile, over at the gym, Curtis (Donnell Turner) hung out with Devon (Victor Clark). Curtis admitted he was pushing away his friends and family and worried about putting all those walls up. Devon shared his own inspiring story of how he overcame his disability by letting people in. Curtis needed to lean on his people now more than ever. 

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