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General Hospital Poll Results: The Right Man For Brook Lynn

Julian and Brook Lynn General HospitalJulian and Brook Lynn General Hospital

General Hospital’s Brook Lynn Ashton (or is Quartermaine?), now played by Amanda Setton, blew back into Port Charles seemingly set to prove that she had all the moxie of her mom, Lois… and the scheming instincts of her grandmother Tracy.

General Hospital Polling

But does she have their bad luck with men? Almost 15,000 fans made suggestions about whom Brook Lynn should hook up with!

Bring Them On

A majority 52% of you aren’t pleased with the choices currently on the canvas and would like someone new for Brook Lynn. Is there anyone worth bringing back who might be a good match? Any youngsters who left Port Charles and are now primed for a return — or aging?

By a Nose

Nikolas (Marcus Coloma) and Julian (William deVry) virtually tied at 18% each, though Julian did earn a slight edge. They’re both intriguing options. Julian definitely has the older man vibe. He likes women who fight back — up to a point. He also likes playing mentor and moral support. Brook Lynn could use both.

Nikolas, on the other hand, is currently coiled in a… complicated marriage with Julian’s sister, Ava (Maura West). Does he need to be tempted away? Nikolas tends to prefer his women more docile — see Courtney, Emily, and Liz (Rebecca Herbst) — but who knows how things have changed while he was out of the country. And, you know, dead….


And then there’s the 12% of the audience curious about a possible Brook Lynn/Dustin (Mark Lawson) pairing. He’s new… she’s a new face… There’s no baggage there, and no preconceived notions. Plus, Dustin is currently kind of dating Lulu (Emme Rylan). And Lulu and Brook Lynn definitely have baggage.

There was The Great Dante (Dominic Zaparonga) incident. And The Great Thanksgiving Sniping Over the Great Dante Incident. Brook Lynn likes to make trouble. You hope this will get the job done. General Hospital (GH) airs weekdays on ABC. Check your local listings for airtimes.

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