Lulu was bored. She managed to get joint custody of the child she never knew she had until a year ago. Both those kids are in school. So, what’s a General Hospital (GH) stay-at-home-mom-who-owns-a-floating-restaurant to do? Become an investigative reporter, that’s what.
Because you see, Lulu didn’t need college or to even do all that well in high school. She just needed drive, and luck–and to know people who know people.
So, now Lulu is a big-time reporter on a paper that seems to just have one reporter and some pretty swanky offices, to boot. But, does it make any sense whatsoever? That’s exactly what Soap Hub asked, and over 3,000 of you weighed in.
It’s a soap, just go with it, declare 58% of you. Sam (Kelly Monaco) went from swindler to private investigator to owner of a media company in no time. (OK, more than a decade.)
Nina (Michelle Stafford) spent 20 years in a coma and became the editor-in-chief of Crimson the first time she went looking for employment after two decades. (OK, she did explain she studied media in college before her long sleep.) Nelle (Chloe Lanier) has had every job in town, though she seems to stick with kids or being someone’s assistant.
So, why can’t Lulu suddenly become an ace reporter? We can call her Scoop Falconeri and now know all of Port Charles’ secrets will be uncovered.
But, wait, says the other 42% of you. This makes NO SENSE at all. Just none. How did Lulu even come up with this idea of becoming a writer and investigative reporter?
She was literally doing nothing but laundry a few months back. It’s why we never saw her, or so we heard. (Actually, Emme Rylan was on maternity leave, but that’s neither here nor there.)
Lulu CAN’T be a reporter. Don’t you need writing skills? A degree? Some sort of journalism training so you know how to get a story right.
That you need to send it through an editing process, and then ensure it’s not called “fake news” by someone who rigged an election once it’s published. (Are we sure Mayor Lomax isn’t going to start that soon?) That’s what REAL journalists do, and Lulu may need to learn a thing or two.
General Hospital (GH) airs weekdays on ABC. Check your local listings for airtimes.

Video Credit: Emie Craigo
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