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Women Power Wednesday: Celebrating GH’s Tabyana Ali and Trina

The stunning GH star answers questions and you can check out a photo gallery.

tabyana ali general hospitalTabyana Ali is Soap Hub's Woman Power Wednesday.

General Hospital star Tabyana Ali has the spunk and positive attitude to accomplish anything she sets her mind to. She is a singer, dancer, writer, comedian, and actor. As Trina Robinson on GH, she has inspired many ladies with her luminous portrayal of a young college student with a love for art and all things Spencer Cassadine. Ali shares who she admires and more with Soap Hub as we celebrate amazing, powerful women on our favorite soaps. Learn more about the actress — who inspires her — plus, check out her photo gallery.

Celebrating Tabyana Ali

1.) What real-life historical female figure do you admire?

A real-life historical figure that I admire is Eartha Kitt. I love everything about her. Her life story, her talent, her outlook on life, and how passionate she was about living with passion. Her heart just seemed so pure, and her love for life was contagious. She also has a unique talent for bringing beauty and soul into everything she does. Even if that was just walking down the street. 

2.) Was there a character on soaps (or in other literature) that you loved to hate?

Victoria from Twilight! That was one bad woman!! She scared me, pissed me off, and inspired me all at the same time. Victoria was seeking vengeance after the Collins killed her boyfriend. So, she went after Bella and set up a whole plan to take her out. She was so calculated and precise. Her energy was powerful and captivating. It has me shaking to this day. There’s a fight scene at the end of New Moon between her and Edward, and all I’m going to say is…Edward truly had to put up a fight. 

3.) What qualities do you admire about your character?

Trina is a true pacifist. She doesn’t want to cause any harm to anybody, and she always wants to bring harmony and peace. But in the same breath, if you keep pushing her buttons, she really isn’t one to mess with, and she will tell you about yourself and put you in your place. 

4.) If you could work with any actor (from any genre) on your show, who would it be?

I would love to work with Ms. Viola Davis and Ms. Angela Basset. You know, just the greats! 

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