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Women Power Wednesday: Celebrating GH’s Eden McCoy and Josslyn

The stunning GH star answers questions and you can check out a photo gallery.

eden mccoy with a banner that says women power wednesday and different images of her.Eden McCoy is Soap Hub's Woman Power Wednesday.

General Hospital star Eden McCoy is kicking off a new feature here on Soap Hub celebrating such amazing, powerful women on our favorite soaps as we learn more about them — who inspires them, and so much more. Plus, check out a beautiful photo gallery.

Celebrating Eden McCoy

1.) Did you watch soaps growing up? Who was your favorite soap opera (or other fictional) heroine?

I didn’t watch soaps growing up, but when I won the part of Josslyn Jacks, my mom filled me in on what a huge fan she had been of the show when she was younger! She’s still a big fan, and she adored the character of Bobbie Spencer, plus had huge crushes on both Jax [Ingo Rademacher] and Sonny [Maurice Benard]. It should come as no surprise to anyone when I say I grew to worship Jackie [Zeman] beginning the moment we met. Getting to know her as a woman, actor, mother, and grandmother will be one of the greatest gifts of my life — she was an icon in every sense of the word. The heartbreaking storyline behind BJ’s heart transplant is one of my favorite stories of all time, and she told it flawlessly like she did everything else. I would have to say Bobbie Spencer (and Jackie) are up there with my favorite soap heroines. 

2.) Was there a character on soaps (or in other literature) that you loved to hate?

I loved to hate the character of Nelle portrayed by Chloe Lanier — she was just sooo good at being bad. And it’s the same with my dear friend Avery [Kristen] Pohl, who plays the I love to hate the character of Esme as my evil nemesis brilliantly. Currently, the most difficult characters for me to be mean to when I’m portraying Joss are Ava Jerome and Nina Reeves, simply because I could not adore Maura [West] and Cynthia [Watros] more. These are two of the kindest souls I’ve ever met. To me, the “villains” are always so interesting, and you only “hate” these powerful women because they’re amazing at their job and deliver A+ performances. 

3.) What real-life historical female figure do you admire?  

I’m always drawn to Jane Goodall’s unique connection with the environment and especially her commitment to animals, which has inspired generations to conserve and protect our planet’s fellow inhabitants. Her lifelong dedication is just incredible. I’m blown away by all the love she has in her heart.

Also Princess Diana — even though her life was tragically cut short, I am forever inspired and moved by the humanity she showed to the victims of AIDS. The way she physically touched and held so many children suffering. The way she really really felt love and compassion, you could just tell it was bigger than her — you just can’t fake that. Here was a woman who had everything yet gave her entire heart to the voiceless and the ostracised at a time they needed it the most. There is no greater measure of a person than that.

What do you think? Post a comment!

4.) What qualities do you admire about your character?

I admire how Josslyn is not afraid to speak her mind and that her heart is always in the right place (although her delivery can often leave something to be desired). Josslyn is very driven — when she cares about something, whether it’s school, family, a relationship, she is all in. She’s a very passionate woman who always lifts herself back up — she never gives in to weakness or lets anyone keep her down, which is a fun personality to portray.  x

5.) Did you have a childhood crush?

Oh boy, I had a ton…Brad Pitt in Meet Joe Black I remember vividly. Robert Downey Junior in Iron Man as well. I fell in love with Jim Carrey many times, but I think my biggest celebrity crush of all time was and still is Harrison Ford. His quiet masculinity and wit, as well as his rugged handsomeness, get me every time.

6.) What role models are out there today for young women to admire? 

There are role models everywhere – I don’t think you have to have accomplished something in the public eye to be one. There are quiet women heroes around us all day long, and I feel so incredibly lucky to know women of all ages and from all backgrounds who lift each other up, have pure intentions, know what they want, and stand firm in their beliefs. Anyone that is honest, raises your vibration, and inspires you to grow and improve your habits I consider to be a wonderful role model. 

7.) If you could work with any actor (from any genre) on your show, who would it be?

I would love to work with Brian Cox, and I just finished his autobiography. He landed on my radar because I’m a huge Succession fan, and learning from his career; the roles, triumphs, and failures he’s had, has been a powerful experience. He’s really done it all from stage to film and continues to grow as an actor even late in life.

eden mccoy with jacqueline zeman.
eden mccoy as josslyn.
eden mccoy and tabyana ali.
eden mccoy and laura wright.

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