While Portia continues working Drew, it looks like he’s got a new target on Kai on the March 21, 2025 episode of General Hospital.
Press Conference Chaos
It’s the day of the press conference announcing Drew’s (Cameron Mathison) new sports program at GH, and he was joined by all The Ashfords and company. He already recruited Kai (Jens Austin Astrup) to represent the program, but after today, Drew’s got bigger plans for the former QB1. Using his charm, Drew asked Kai what his plans for the future were, and instantly put it into his head that he could have a future in politics. But when Curtis (Donnell Turner) spotted the two commiserating after Trina (Tabyana Ali) confided in him about her worry, he decided to pull Kai aside and give him a warning.
READ THIS: Soap vet Daniel Cosgrove joins GH as potential Drew ally.
Curtis informed Kai that Drew is someone who will do anything to get what he wants, and that doesn’t always mean following through on promises. Little does he know, his own wife has been blackmailed and coerced into speaking at this press conference because of the congressman. Drew’s plans aside, Trina congratulated Kai on a great speech, also wondering if he, too, had a future in politics.
Meanwhile, Portia was all smiles and nods whenever Drew was around, but behind her closed GH office door, she held Drew’s medical file in her hands. She’s already tampered with one threat’s medical results, and there’s certainly nothing stopping her from doing it again.
Do you think Portia will find a way to eliminate Drew… that is, if no one kills him first? And should Kai’s new career path be in politics? Let us know in the comments.
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