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Long-Term Care: Do Sam’s Kids Spend Too Much Time With Grandma On General Hospital (GH)?

Sam, Danny, and Scout General HospitalSam, Danny, and Scout General Hospital

No one has ever accused General Hospital’s (GH) Monica of being mother of the year.

First there was Dawn, the daughter Monica (Leslie Charleson) gave up for adoption and didn’t give a moment’s thought to for over two decades until the girl blew into Port Charles sporting a quick succession of faces (including Sharon Case, now Sharon on The Young and the Restless), then died and once again faded into obscurity.

There was Alan Jr. (AJ), who Monica first lied about being Alan’s child – admittedly, so her husband wouldn’t try to drop another roof on her head – then, when she realized he actually was Alan’s child, lied that he was Rick’s child to keep her lover from going back to his wife, Leslie.

AJ and his brother, Jason (Steve Burton), whom Monica did, to be fair, raise as her own despite him being the result of Alan’s affair with Susan, spent most of their formative years away at boarding school.

Ironically, Monica was the most hands-on mom to adopted daughter, Emily.

And she’s been a great grandma to Sam’s tots, Danny and Scout.

But is it now Sam’s (Kelly Monaco) turn to be the neglectful mother? Are her kids spending way too much time at the Quartermaine mansion? Here’s how over 9,000 of you see it:

Give Her a Break!
Way too much time, agree 66%. Yes, you realize Sam has a lot going on, what with the two Jasons, one acting like he couldn’t care less, the other suddenly getting needy. Parenting is hard under such trying circumstances.

Dr. Spock doesn’t exactly have a chapter on coming back from the dead dads and how to explain it to your kids. But, you know what, Sam? Try. Or else, one day, Danny might treat you the way Jason treats Monica. Yeah. Think about that.

Normal Heart
Sam doesn’t leave Scout and Danny with Monica anymore than any other working mom, counter 33% of you. And besides, being with Monica sure beats the non-stop drama of living in their own home.

General Hospital (GH) airs weekdays on ABC. Check your local listings for airtimes.

Video Credit: UHaveMeEveryday

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