General Hospital’s Willow has gone nearly a year thinking that Brad and Lucas’ adopted son, Wiley, is the baby she gave up for adoption, not realizing that her infant died, and Brad swapped him with Nelle and Michael’s offspring.
Willow (Katelyn MacMullen) took drastic measures to protect the baby she thought was hers from Shiloh (Coby Ryan MacLaughlin), the presumptive biological dad. But what will happen when the truth comes out, and Willow learns that Wiley isn’t hers. Will she still feel attached to the tot? What over 3,000 viewers expect to happen:
And We’ll Keep Holding On Forever
For 75% of you, it’s a no-brainer. Feelings aren’t something you can just turn on and off like a faucet. Of course, Willow will continue feeling a connection to Wiley. She’s been thinking of him as her baby for a year now!
And if Michael claims his son, it’s only natural for Willow to want to be around them both. You think it could make a good story. Especially since the child’s biological mother, Nelle (Chloe Lanier), is too crazy to be let anywhere near him.
And seeing another woman playing Mommy to her child has to make Nelle crazy — in a good way. Forget Chase (Josh Swickard). He’s just a nice guy. Michael is the gut with the baby!
Let It Go
A much smaller 25% of the audience expects Willow to let go once the truth comes out. It’ll be hard, but she’ll have Chase and his big, strong, manly shoulder to cry on. Willow was attached to Wiley when she thought he was hers.
She’ll understand that she has no claim on him now, and she won’t want to intrude on Michael bonding with his son. Plus, who needs to get into Nelle’s orbit? Willow already did crazy with Shiloh and his cult.
Video Credit: ABC
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