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Heather as a Copycat Killer? Seriously, GH?

Heather and Lucas on General HospitalHeather and Lucas on General Hospital

It looks like General Hospital is once again making up storyline points as it goes along.

A few weeks ago, Soap Hub pointed out that Paul (Richard Burgi) said Monica (Leslie Charleson) was the only loose end left in his wacky plot to avenge Susan’s rape, and we had to wonder why on Earth he tried to kill Bobbie. After all, Bobbie was still alive, so why wasn’t she a loose end?

Well, now it turns out she wasn’t and the entire explanation is just as nuts to us as to why Paul killed in the first place. HEATHER tried to kill Bobbie–getting Lucas instead–to give Franco (Roger Howarth) an alibi for the murders. Say what???

First, how the heck did Heather manage to get out of this maximum security psychiatric prison where she’s always cuffed from arms to feet–and watched like a hawk–for every visit? GH seemed to gloss over that part when Heather confessed her latest sins to her son today.

And, if Heather can come and go as she pleases, why doesn’t she go for good? It makes no sense that Heather would choose to stay where she is rather than wreck havoc on PC lives on the outside if she can escape so easily.

Again, this plot point seems like an afterthought, just as the entire serial killer story did. Paul didn’t seem to be the intended culprit and something tells us the writers hadn’t even thought of Paul when Bobbie (Jacklyn Zeman) and Lucas (Ryan Carnes) became targets last spring. But, they needed an explanation now and came up with Heather as the fall guy–or gal, as the case may be. We cry foul, GH, and don’t believe for one minute this was the intention from the start. But, at least we got to see Robin Mattson and Roger Howarth together again–the one saving grace in this latest mess.

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