While Griffin immediately told Anna who his mother was when he told her he was Duke’s son, many fans have speculated that the General Hospital doctor/priest was either not on the up and up–or may not even know who his mother is himself.
He believes his mother was an Irish woman who had a brief affair with Duke, but what if that’s not true?
The consensus is that Duke (Ian Buchanan) is indeed Griffin’s (Matt Cohen) dad, but Soap Hub asked if you think he might actually be the product of Duke’s relationships with two characters we know quite well.
Out of 7,500 votes, 50% of you believe Anna (Finola Hughes) is Griffin’s mother and that’s why the pair had an instant connection when he first came to town.
You remember Anna losing Duke’s baby many years ago, but think maybe she didn’t lose that baby at all, but instead Griffin is the son she thought died. If Anna did learn this, it would be a whole lot for her to handle now that she’s remembered how she really knows Valentin.
Another 25% of you are pegging Olivia Jerome (Tonja Walker) for Griffin’s mom. After all, not only did she have an affair with Duke–she was obsessed with him.
And, after seeing her cabinet full of Duke photos where she pasted herself over Anna, we’re willing to bet she’s still quite obsessed. Perhaps having to hide on the other side of the world for years, as she put it, forced her to give a baby away and that baby is Griffin.
Meanwhile, a final 25% take Griffin’s word at face value and believe his mother was the unknown young woman Duke had a brief fling with while on assignment all those years ago.
General Hospital airs weekdays on ABC. Share your thoughts, leave a comment in the section below. Win exclusive member-only GH spoilers, prizes, and more: sign up here! Also, join the conversation on our Facebook page.

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