If it seems like we barely had a chance to get used to the old new Cameron on General Hospital (GH), well, we would be right.
Cade McWatt appeared in the role of Elizabeth’s oldest son in July, but wait, that was all a trick on the eyes because now Will Lipton is taking over the role as of August 10.
Cameron was sort of suddenly SORAS’d this summer, but he actually fought off Peter Pan Syndrome and grew to be about the right age for his character after years of being perpetually small as the characters born before him or at around the same time all made it to adulthood.
(Yes, Cam and Morgan were born within a year of one another, yet Cam remained a child and Morgan lived as a young adult for several years. Go figure.)
Josslyn and Cameron were also friends when small children, but somehow Joss was his camp counselor last year, despite him morphing into a camp lifeguard this year.
And perhaps Eden McCoy’s contract and the new badass Joss who emerged last week after being baptized by catfight needs a badass boy to match and Oscar might not cut it.
Cue Cameron, who will fit right in with Joss and put Carly and Elizabeth at odds over something other than Jason.
While not much is known about Will Lipton as of yet, we have a feeling we’ll learn more soon if he does become everything Josslyn’s really been waiting for.
General Hospital (GH) airs weekdays on ABC. Check your local listings for airtimes.
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