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General Hospital SHOCKER: Serial Killer Revealed!

General Hospital SuspectsGeneral Hospital Suspects

Next week on General Hospital, we finally learn the identity of the serial killer. However, our favorite Port Charles characters remain in the dark–literally.

Lights Out!
That’s right. A blackout at the hospital is the perfect opportunity for the killer to at least try to strike again, according to the September 5 issue of Soap Opera Digest. While the writers won’t reveal if someone else dies, they do say it’s a possibility.

Head writers Jean Passanante and Shelly Altman also said it took them a while to decide the killer’s identity. Ultimately, they chose to go with a character already on the canvas and not someone brought on just to make them a killer.

Someone Big!
“We wanted it to be someone who matters to the canvas in a big way rather than someone we bright on for that exact reason,” Altman told Digest. “We realized that we did have the character in place whose motivations make sense.”

It seems motivations become the second part of this story arc. We may learn who the killer is soon, but after that we slowly know what motivates this person, meaning there’s a whole lot more of this story to tell.

“Once we learn who the killer is, it builds the suspense,” Altman said.

[relbar link=”http://soaphub.wpengine.com/general-hospital/general-hospital-blame-alexis/” text=”Should All the Blame Be Focused on Alexis?”]Who Could It Be?
Some fans have begun suspecting Andre (Anthony Montgomery) as the killer, which would add some fascinating layers to this good-guy character. While that would be a shock, it looks like shock is what GH is going for. Franco (Roger Howarth) and Finn (Michael Easton) would be too obvious, and have already been cleared.
During the blackout, lots of events take place all at once, giving the killer a chance to become a bit careless. According to Digest, a clue ends up in the wrong hands and we smell even more trouble on the way.

GH airs weekdays on ABC. Share your thoughts, leave a comment in the section below. Additionally, for more General Hospital spoilers updates, recaps, and news, go to Soap Hub’s Facebook fanpage and join the conversation about all your favorite soaps!


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