The General Hospital recap for Tuesday, October 30 features Britt in all her glory… and kind of getting what’s coming to her.
Britt (Kelly Thiebaud) tried to haggle to get her medical license reinstated in return for her to agree to cooperate with Anna (Finola Hughes). When Anna refused, she settled for some ribs instead.
So, Britt became sorta a free woman wearing an ankle bracelet chowing down at The Floating Rib. But she didn’t expect Lulu (Emme Rylan) to show up at her table and dump a pitcher of beer over her head.
After Lulu had a few words with the woman who stole and gestated embryo #1, she introduced her dinner companion to his new sister. Peter (Wes Ramsey), meet Britt. So, they met and discussed having Faison (Anders Hove) as a dad and Liesl (Kathleen Gati) as a mom.
Britt then learned she doesn’t get a room at The Metro Court but instead will be staying with Anna.
Ryan (Jon Lindstrom) and Nurse Mary (Pat) Ingalls (Patricia Bethune) had an interesting conversation on the pier. She definitely thought he was Kevin and blackmailed him for some cash and a cushy job at the hospital in exchange for her silence during the years he’s been keeping his brother at Ferncliff.
(YEARS? Kevin had been keeping Ryan’s non-dead status a secret for YEARS? Hmmm…)
Ryan did agree with Mary Pat’s demands, then he saw a sharp metal object on the pier and followed the nurse into the night. (Bye, Mary Pat?)
Elsewhere, Carly (Laura Wright) and Laura (Genie Francis) discussed the horrors of Ferncliff some more and Carly almost told Laura she thought her neighbor looked like Kevin.
Chase (Josh Swickard) may have found a love interest or at least he was being chem tested with Willow Tait, Aiden’s teacher, who it turns out is also Charlotte’s teacher.
She was parked in an authorized spot so she and Chase shared some words and he helped her get her car started.
Then, she headed to a grief support meeting at the same time as Michael (Chad Duell). Chem test #2? A triangle not involving Nelle?
Finally, Sonny (Maurice Benard), Jason (Steve Burton), and Sam (Kelly Monaco) continued their plot to ruin Margaux’s life for the horrible desire to see her father’s murderer brought to justice.
Heck, even Sonny understood that no matter who gave the order, Sonny still pulled the trigger. So, why are we supposed to hate her again?
General Hospital (GH) airs weekdays on ABC. Check your local listings for airtimes.

Video Credit: ABC
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