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Will 2017 Bring Brighter Days for Port Charles?

General HospitalGeneral Hospital

A new year is supposed to bring a new hope (and we don’t mean just another Star Wars movie) for those struggling through a rough patch on General Hospital.

Will 2017 deliver a break from the doom and gloom for your favorite characters? We don’t know what the writers have in store, but almost 3,000 fans were happy to share what they thought would — and should — happen.

Say Yes, Don’t Depress
It seems that 67% of viewers are obviously optimists, as you think everything will soon be coming up roses. You’re a little less clear on whom you expect to be gathering these rose-buds while ye may.

After all, Tom Baker’s killer is bound to have to face the music sooner or later. (Unless it’s Sonny. If it’s Sonny, he’ll get off with a commendation for being such a good citizen, and Elizabeth (Rebecca Herbst) will fall in love/get pregnant by him).

Granted, maybe Nina (Michelle Stafford) and Valentin (James Patrick Stuart) will live happily ever after. But when was the last time you saw a Cassadine marriage work out?

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Past Performances
We can’t fool 19% of you. You know the score in Port Charles. No one in town has been happy since 1963, so why would they start now?

There are dark times ahead. Take Charlotte — the poor little thing is about to get yet another new mommy, and yet another new daddy — and none of the leading candidates are exactly known for their mental stability.

Plus, it doesn’t look like Alexis (Nancy Lee Grahn) plans to give up the booze (or Julian) anytime soon, and Carly (Laura Wright) still doesn’t know what Nelle (Chloe Lanier) has against her.

The Only Sure Thing is Death and Taxes
Will it be rainbows or rain clouds for your faves in 2017? Apparently, 14% of fans are playing it safe and hedging their bets, voting “Not Sure.” Maybe it will be peace, love, and lollipops all the way around. But, be honest, is that really what we watch soaps for?

General Hospital airs weekdays on ABC. Share your thoughts, leave a comment in the section below. Win exclusive member-only GH spoilers, prizes, and more: sign up here! Also, join the conversation on our Facebook page.

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