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Error Terror: Did Sam Make a Mistake Marrying Drew on General Hospital (GH)?

General HospitalGeneral Hospital

General Hospital’s (GH) Sam was so eager to demonstrate that she had chosen Drew, father of her daughter, Scout, over Jason, father of her son, Danny, that she raced to the altar to marry Drew (Billy Miller) legally.

The first time they exchanged vows no longer counted. Sam (Kelly Monaco) thought he was Jason (Steve Burton), returned from the dead. (Hey, it happens. In Port Charles, it happens so often, Sam was totally within her rights to believe that.)

But is this a case of “marry in haste, repent at leisure?” Will Sam come to regret her impulsive action? Do fans already regret it now? Here’s what over 4,000 of you had to say.

Strange Bedfellows
Sam married a total stranger, shriek 73% of you. All of his memories, including loving Sam are Jason’s memories, not his. Sure, he has the memories he made following his plastic surgery, but they were all based on a false premise.

He fell in love with Sam because he thought he already was in love with Sam.

OK, fine, the new baby, he actually loves. And she is his actual daughter. But is that enough for him and Sam to build a new relationship on? No! No! A thousand times no! Sam isn’t thinking straight.

Everything that she thinks she loves about Drew, is actually Jason residue. Well, OK, the six-pack abs are his. But you don’t marry a six-pack, Sam! Get out before it’s too late!

Do You? I Do!
Drew is a lot more than some abs, challenge the dedicated 26%. He puts Sam and their kids first. He’s given up the mob life and found a business that doesn’t involve ducking and covering.

Sam married the right man this time, and she has nothing to regret. Or to apologize for. Till death do they part!

General Hospital (GH) airs weekdays on ABC. Check your local listings for airtimes.

Video Credit: UHaveMeEveryday

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