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A Critic’s Review Of GH: A Roundup of the Best and Worst of 2023

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general hospital critic's review for 2023 – roundup of the best and worst.General Hospital 2023 Best and Worst.

We here at Soap Hub are never shy when it comes to giving General Hospital its lumps when it proves grating or downright frustrating, nor are we backward at coming forward with praise when it’s due – moi especially.

General Hospital — Best and Worst of 2023

In that vein, below you’ll find a roundup of the staff’s Best and Worst of GH, followed by my ever-cheeky, always heartfelt endorsement or rebuttal…how surprised you must be to hear that I don’t always agree with my colleagues.

Best Return: TIE — Tracy Quartermaine (Jane Elliot) and Lois Cerullo (Rena Sofer) — A sentiment shared across the board. Wasn’t their showdown great?

Best Tease: Esme (Avery Kristen Pohl) is starting to remember bits and pieces of her past. — Rachel Dillin, Managing Editor.

Biggest Waste Of Talent: Roger Howarth as Austin Gatlin-Holt. — Diane Brounstein, Editor-In-Chief.

Favorite Jailbird: Cyrus Renault (Jeff Kober). “Now that he’s out of Pentonville, let the havoc commence.” — Sandra Leaming, Community Manager.

Most Heartwarming Moment: Liz’s (Rebecca Herbst) immediate acceptance of Aiden’s (Enzo De Angelis) same-sex crush. “So beautiful.” — Diane Brounstein, Editor-In-Chief.

Best Heart to Heart: Laura (Genie Francis) trying to reach troubled Charlotte (Scarlett Hernandez) by telling her of her town angst-ridden teen years. Those of us who watched Laura circa 1978-79 remember Francis’s mesmerizing work.

Take The Hint And Cut Your Losses: Stop trying to make “Fiz” happen. — Diane Brounstein, Editor-In-Chief.

Biggest Hypocrites: Anyone who blasts Nina (Cynthia Watros) for asking Martin (Michael E. Knight) to call the SEC. Nina’s not the one who broke the law. – Michael Maloney, Sr. West Coast Editor

Worst Death: Britt (Kelly Thiebaud). Why was this necessary? Will the Britch never be back? — Amber Sinclair, Editor.

Worst Storyline: Willow’s (Katelyn MacMullen) cancer. — Rachel Dillin, Managing Editor. The surrogacy storyline. “Wrap it up and move on.” — Sandra Leaming, Community Manager.

The Critic Muses On GH In 2023

Best Breakup: “Vanna.”

Best Character Turnaround: Cody Bell (Josh Kelly). Sure, he seriously let Britt down and did her all kinds of dirty, but he eventually emerged as Sasha’s (Sofia Mattsson) biggest champion, and for that, we thank him.

Best Flying Visit: Brooklyn Rae Silzer’s (Emma Scorpio-Drake) two-day return stint.

Best Gift Giving Inspiration: Spencer Cassadine (Nicholas Alexander Chavez). Where can I get a personalized dart board?

Biggest Glutton For Punishment: Nina Reeves (Cynthia Watros). If masochism had a face, it’d be a facsimile of Crimson’s Editor-in-Chief.

Most Relatable Problem: Much like Maxie Jones (Kirsten Storms), who hasn’t felt the pinch where money matters are concerned? That being said, Maxie is not the character who should be headlining a storyline such as this.

Most Tortured Character: Sasha Gilmore (Sofia Mattsson). Bar none.

Stay In Your Lane: Not content with their destruction of General Hospital, Chris and Dan/Dan and Chris had to spit in the eyes of Ryan’s Hope fans and ruin Delia and Roger’s perfectly fine relationship.

Worst Story Swerve: Austin and Mason’s (Nathanyael Grey) boss changes, inexplicably, from a she to a he.

General Hospital 2022 Report Card: C- And that’s owing to the yeoman’s work put in by the interim writers. During their brief stewardship, interminable storylines finally concluded, much-appreciated answers were offered, and character motivations FINALLY made a modicum of sense. Unfortunately, what transpired before and after has left much to be desired.

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