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Susan Lucci is Headed to the Daytime Emmys! Is General Hospital Next?

Susan Lucci, General HospitalSusan Lucci, General Hospital

Susan Lucci (ex-Erica, All My Children) is back on daytime! The Emmy-winning star is wrapping up a week long stint as guest host on the Hallmark Channel’s Home & Family show.

Soap Hub caught up with the actress following the taping of Home & Family’s All My Children reunion episode, which airs today, to chat with her about what’s next in her career.

You’ve hosted talk shows before – how is Home & Family different?

I’ve never done a whole week of hosting. I was very curious to see what this is about and quickly found what a great group they have here. Everyone here is genuinely warm and on the same page. Woody Fraser [executive producer] has assembled a great group.

Everyone from AMC looks amazing. Seriously, you could re-start the show tomorrow. 

I was looking around at everyone, saying the same thing! We could start tomorrow! But we’d have to be in the right hands because we don’t have Agnes [Nixon, AMC’s late creator] anymore.

I believe she’s still at Days of our Lives, but fans loved Lorraine Broderick’s writing. 

Lorraine for sure! We’d have to have producers and a network that “get” it, too.

I’m sure you’ve heard that the rights to the AMC and One Life to Live characters are now back with ABC. If Erica Kane were driving through Port Charles and her car broke down and she needed to visit a hospital, would you be open to checking into GH?  

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