If there’s anything that Olivia Jerome from General Hospital (GH) and Alex Olanov from One Life to Live (OLTL) have in common (aside from looks), is that they’re both extremely crazy.
Olivia allegedly perished in 1990 and we never heard from her again in Port Charles until this year. She has several decades of life unaccounted for and who’s to say she didn’t spend some of that time in Llanview, PA?
We already learned that Liv ended up in an institution in 1990 where she lost touch with reality. When Alex arrived in Llanview around that same time, she was also a woman out of touch with reality. Hmmm…
Yesterday, she gave us one hint that something’s up when she met Nora Buchanan (Hillary B. Smith) and asked her about her cowboy, giving us the impression she somehow knows Bo (and OLTL fans will know Alex was obsessed with Bo the way Liv was obsessed with Duke).
Of course, we’ll have to suspend our disbelief a bit and wonder why Nora didn’t immediately call her new client Alex, but hey, it’s a soap.
If Michael Easton can play five different characters in Port Charles (currently Hamilton Finn) with barely anyone noticing, we’ll just have to buy this one too.
We know that Tonja Walker’s time on GH is over–for now. Liv is still way, way out of touch with reality and is being shipped off to a mental facility, rather than jail. That leaves the door open for her return, and if we learn all about her missing years–possibly in Llanview–that opens an entire world of story possibilities.
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