It was easy for many to see what direction General Hospital wanted to take with little Aiden Webber (Spencer?) from the time he went back to school shopping with Franco.
He was interested in princess pencils and Franco (Roger Howarth) didn’t care, but Cameron (Will Lipton) made him feel horrible for it.
Eventually, we learned Charlotte (Scarlett Fernandez) had been bullying Aiden (Jason David), her cousin, because he was “different” and she claimed to be helping him by giving him orders to fit in.
But, Charlotte soon revealed she wasn’t the only one bullying Aiden. And, we soon saw it, as did Aiden via interactive messages on his laptop and tablet.
Jake (Hudson West) finally showed Elizabeth (Rebecca Herbst) and Franco the message calling the little third grader “Gayden” — after begging them not to bring Aiden’s personally-baked cupcakes to school.
That’s when Liz and Franco started suspecting Aiden might be gay, even if he doesn’t realize it at the moment. They both feel it’s something he might discover about himself.
Soap Hub asked how you feel about the direction the story is now taking, and more than 7,000 of you weighed in.
Let’s keep this a bullying story, say 62% of you. You know just because a male likes to cook or bake, it doesn’t necessarily mean he’s gay.
You liked it when this story was just about a sensitive little boy being bullied by kids who feel they are superior to him — or want to “help” him. Bullying is a serious subject, and all too common in real-life schools, regardless of a child’s sexuality.
And then, 38% of you applaud GH for tackling this very sensitive topic. It’s the first time a soap has addressed a child possibly coming to terms with his sexual orientation or who he is.
Whether Aiden one day discovers he’s gay or it just turns out he loves to bake, you’re glad GH has addressed the issue that is so true to life for many.
General Hospital (GH) airs weekdays on ABC. Check your local listings for airtimes.
Video Credit: General Hospital
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