The Real Housewives Of New York City introduced a whole new cast in 2023. Their second season finale airs this week with Jenna Lyons, Jessel Taank, Ubah Hassan, Brynn Whitfield, Sai De Silva, Erin Lichy, and newbie Racquel Chevremont’s final night of their Puerto Rico trip. Will they be back for season 16 (their third)?
The original RHONY had a huge fan base, and these fans don’t love the new cast. They are calling it boring and contrived. Viewers don’t feel a connection between the women because they seem more like coworkers than friends.
Even the most well-liked housewife, Jenna, is criticized for not opening up her personal life to the cameras. Her partner is rarely spoken of and refuses to be filmed. This is her prerogative, but the feeling is that the audience doesn’t really get to know Jenna.
The villain of last season was Sai, which she may not have liked, so she is unusually quiet this season. Ubah has become a hothead and snaps at anyone who says something she doesn’t like. That is most often Brynn, who constantly eggs her on and is also an admitted pot stirrer.
Jessel is nice but sometimes seems silly and fame-obsessed. Her Clueless party, where she was the only one not dressed in an outfit from the movie, was laughable. But Jessel does open up her personal life to the cameras where others sometimes don’t.
Erin started the season strong, opening up about her mother’s cancer and problems with her husband, Abe. But later in the season, she constantly talks badly about other cast members and rats out others in the conversation. She is the ultimate “leaky pigeon.”
Racquel is a welcome addition, and her fiance, Mel, is a fan favorite.
Designer Rebecca Minkoff is a “friend,” but definitely not to Brynn, who is constantly attacking her. Sadly, Jenna cannot even remember her name and keeps calling her Rachel.
Erin and Sai recently appeared on WWHL where they discussed the upcoming finale with Andy. The ladies are in Puerto Rico for what seems like forever and the last night is said to be a doozy.
The group has been constantly arguing, with Ubah and Brynn leading the way.
“The finale next week is very dark,” Cohen stated on his show. “It’s very surprising what happened. And it kind of all almost takes place in that same night.” He later added, “It’s a finale like we’ve not had on the Housewives before.”
Brynn stated on her Instagram in December that she made the “difficult decision to step away from The Real Housewives of New York.” This may have something to do with the drama that occurs in the finale.
Andy is defending the future of the franchise. “So with this group of RHONY, we’re kind of looking to the future with them. I loved the original, but this is a new group,” he said in a November interview.
At the moment, it appears that RHONY will be back for season 16 with this cast, but probably minus Brynn. What are your feelings on the new cast? Do you want another season? Let us know in the comments.
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