Squad to the rescue! The Law & Order: SVU Season 21 premiere episode centered around a very timely #MeToo-themed storyline in which a big-time Hollywood executive, Sir Toby Moore (Ian McShane), harassed and assaulted women who wanted parts in his movies.
Law & Order: SVU Highlight
In this highlight video from the episode, the SVU squad — including Olivia Benson (Mariska Hargitay), Fin (Ice-T), and Rollins (Kelli Giddish) — work to take him down thanks to some undercover work done by Kat (Jamie Gray Hyder), who pretends to want a part in his movie.
While Benson, Fin, and Rollins listen in on their meeting from a different hotel room, Kat meets up with Sir Toby privately. “She studied the tape, she knows where he’s going,” Benson tells the group.
Squad To The Rescue
Though things start out okay, Toby begins to assault Kat and chokes her. “You will not open your mouth until I tell you to,” he yells at her. Watch the entire clip above to see how the squad saves the day.
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